Two worlds in one: the genesis of Louisiana's mixed legal system, 1803-1812 / Vernon Valentine Palmer
The death of the French language in Louisiana law / Roger K. Ward
The impact of a mixed jurisdiction on legal education, scholarship and law / Christopher L. Blakesley
The Louisiana judge: judge, statesman, politician / Symeon C. Symeonides
An abridged history of the absorption of American civil procedure and evidence in Louisiana / Kent A. Lambert
The king is lost upon the batture: or, how Edward Livingston momentarily reconverged the elements of sovereignty after they were refracted through the prism of the American constitution / Thomas W. Tucker
The business of arbitraging exhange rates and its influence on Louisiana's early law of bills and notes / Richard Holcombe Kilbourne, Jr.
The changing face of forced heirship: a new Louisiana creation / Kathryn Venturatos Lorio
Trust and the civil law: the Louisiana experience / A. N. Yiannopoulos
Comparative law in action: promissory estoppel, the civil law, and the mixed jurisdiction / David V. Snyder
An analysis of civil law authorities in State v. Martin / David A. Combe.