The safety of food imports : hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session.
KF26.G67 105th
Available at Room 135
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Corporate Author
The safety of food imports : hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, 1998-1999.
3 volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm.
United States. Congress. Senate. S. hrg. ; 105-516.
Formatted Contents Note
pt. 1. [without special title]
pt. 2. From the farm to the table, a case study of tainted imported fruit
pt. 3. Fraud and deception in the food import process
pt. 4. Improving the safety of food imports.
pt. 2. From the farm to the table, a case study of tainted imported fruit
pt. 3. Fraud and deception in the food import process
pt. 4. Improving the safety of food imports.
Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche.
Shipping list no.: 98-0328-P (pt. 1), 98-0380-P (pt. 2), 99-0122-P (pt. 3 & 4).
"May 14, 1998"--Pt. 1.
"July 9, 1998"--Pt. 2.
"September 10, 24, and 25, 1998"--Pt. 3 & 4.
Shipping list no.: 98-0328-P (pt. 1), 98-0380-P (pt. 2), 99-0122-P (pt. 3 & 4).
"May 14, 1998"--Pt. 1.
"July 9, 1998"--Pt. 2.
"September 10, 24, and 25, 1998"--Pt. 3 & 4.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references.
Call Number
KF26.G67 105th
0160571324 pt.1
0160574617 pt.2
0160579392 pt.3&4
0160574617 pt.2
0160579392 pt.3&4
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