Ios. M. Schneidt, V.I.D. Com. Pal. ... Thesaurus iuris Franconici, oder, Sammlung theils gedruckter theils ungedruckter Abhandlungen, Dissertationen, Programmen, Gutachten, Gesätze, Urkunden [et]c. [et]c. : welche das Fränkische und besonders Hochfürstlich-Wirzburgische geistliche, weltliche, bürgerliche, peinliche, Lehen-, Polizei- und Kameralrecht erläutern [et]c.
KKB3901.A73 S35 1787
Available at Robbins Rare
Ios. M. Schneidt, V.I.D. Com. Pal. ... Thesaurus iuris Franconici, oder, Sammlung theils gedruckter theils ungedruckter Abhandlungen, Dissertationen, Programmen, Gutachten, Gesätze, Urkunden [et]c. [et]c. : welche das Fränkische und besonders Hochfürstlich-Wirzburgische geistliche, weltliche, bürgerliche, peinliche, Lehen-, Polizei- und Kameralrecht erläutern [et]c.
Wirzburg : Im Verlage der Franz Xaver Riennerischen privil. Buchhandlung, 1787-1791.
13 volumes : illustrations (engravings) ; 19-22 cm (octavo)
Vol. 1: [6], 578 [i.e. 576] p., [2] leaves of plates, 1 folded; v. 2: [2], 579-777, [3], 779-984, [2], 985-1166 p.; v. 3: [4], 1167-1362, [2], 1363-1544, [2], 1545-1752, [4] p.; v. 4: [2], 1753-1937, [5], 1939-2128, [2], 2129-2334 [i.e. 2332] p.; v. 5: [2], 2335-2547, [3], 2549-2745, [3], 2747-2914, 88 p., [1] folded leaf, [5] leaves of plates (1 folded); v. 6: [2], 2915-3088, [2], 3089-3285, [3], 3287-3472 p.; v. 7: [2], 3473-3692, [6], 3693-926 [i.e. 3926], [4], 3927-4192, [4] p.; v. 8: [2], 4193-4390, [2], 4391-4666 [i.e. 4646] p., [2] leaves of plates (1 folded); v. 9: 196, [2], 197-582 p.; v. 10: [2], 583-985, [3], 987-1173, [1] p., [1] folded leaf of plates; v. 11: [2], 1175-1374, [2], 1375-1563, [3], 1565-1769, [1] p., [1] folded leaf of plates; v. 12: [2], 1771-1960, [2], 1951 [i.e. 1961]-2165, [3], 2167-2356 p.; v. 13: [2], 2357-2556, [2], 2557-2942, [2] p.
Signatures: v. 1: A-M⁸ N³ O-CC⁸ DD⁸ (DD5+chi¹) EE-GG⁸ HH⁸ (HH3+²chi¹) II-OO⁸; v. 2: PP-3C⁸ 3D⁴ 3E-4E⁸ 4F⁴; v. 3: 4G-4S⁸ 4T⁴ 4U-5G⁸ 5H⁴ 5I-5X⁸ 5Y¹ ³chi²; v. 4: 5Z-6K⁸ 6L⁷ 6M-7M⁸ 7N⁷; v. 5: 7O-8C⁸ 8D⁴ 8E⁸ (8E2+⁴chi²) 8F-8Q⁸ 8R⁴ 8S-9D⁸ 9E⁵ ⁵chi-⁹chi¹ a-e⁸ f⁴; v. 6: 9F-10E⁸ 10F⁴ 10G-10R⁸ 10S⁶; v. 7: 10T-11I⁸ (11I8 blank) ¹⁰chi² (¹⁰chi2 blank) 11K-11Z⁸ 12A⁶ (12A6 blank) 12B-12S⁸ (last leaf blank); v. 8: 12T-13G⁸ 13H⁴ ¹¹chi¹ 13I-13L⁸ 13M⁸ (13M3+¹²chi-¹³chi¹) 13N-14A⁸; v. 9: ²A-M⁸ N² O-AA⁸ BB² CC-PP⁸; v. 10: QQ-3D⁸ 3E⁴ ¹⁴chi¹ 3F-3R⁸ 3S⁷ 3T-4F⁸ 4G⁷; v. 11: 4H-4N⁸ 4O⁸ (4O5+¹⁵chi¹) 4P-4T⁸ 4U⁵ 4X-5Y⁸; v. 12: 5Z-7N⁸; v. 13: 7O-8B⁸ 8C⁴ 8D-8O⁸ 8P⁴ 8Q-9E⁸.
Errors in pagination: v. 1, nos. 513-514 skipped; v. 4, nos. 2143-2144 skipped.
Errata: v. 5, p. [2746]; v. 7, last printed leaf; v. 8, last leaf; v. 10, last leaf.
Vol. 2, ³chi1-2 contains advertising.
Head- and tailpieces.
Includes partial index (in v. 5).
Signatures: v. 1: A-M⁸ N³ O-CC⁸ DD⁸ (DD5+chi¹) EE-GG⁸ HH⁸ (HH3+²chi¹) II-OO⁸; v. 2: PP-3C⁸ 3D⁴ 3E-4E⁸ 4F⁴; v. 3: 4G-4S⁸ 4T⁴ 4U-5G⁸ 5H⁴ 5I-5X⁸ 5Y¹ ³chi²; v. 4: 5Z-6K⁸ 6L⁷ 6M-7M⁸ 7N⁷; v. 5: 7O-8C⁸ 8D⁴ 8E⁸ (8E2+⁴chi²) 8F-8Q⁸ 8R⁴ 8S-9D⁸ 9E⁵ ⁵chi-⁹chi¹ a-e⁸ f⁴; v. 6: 9F-10E⁸ 10F⁴ 10G-10R⁸ 10S⁶; v. 7: 10T-11I⁸ (11I8 blank) ¹⁰chi² (¹⁰chi2 blank) 11K-11Z⁸ 12A⁶ (12A6 blank) 12B-12S⁸ (last leaf blank); v. 8: 12T-13G⁸ 13H⁴ ¹¹chi¹ 13I-13L⁸ 13M⁸ (13M3+¹²chi-¹³chi¹) 13N-14A⁸; v. 9: ²A-M⁸ N² O-AA⁸ BB² CC-PP⁸; v. 10: QQ-3D⁸ 3E⁴ ¹⁴chi¹ 3F-3R⁸ 3S⁷ 3T-4F⁸ 4G⁷; v. 11: 4H-4N⁸ 4O⁸ (4O5+¹⁵chi¹) 4P-4T⁸ 4U⁵ 4X-5Y⁸; v. 12: 5Z-7N⁸; v. 13: 7O-8B⁸ 8C⁴ 8D-8O⁸ 8P⁴ 8Q-9E⁸.
Errors in pagination: v. 1, nos. 513-514 skipped; v. 4, nos. 2143-2144 skipped.
Errata: v. 5, p. [2746]; v. 7, last printed leaf; v. 8, last leaf; v. 10, last leaf.
Vol. 2, ³chi1-2 contains advertising.
Head- and tailpieces.
Includes partial index (in v. 5).
Local Note
Binding: unbound, in publisher's paper boards, with marbled paper over boards, printed title labels and red page-edges (with 3 odd vols.)
Marginalia throughout, mostly in pencil.
Marginalia throughout, mostly in pencil.
Language Note
German and Latin.
Provenance: Scherer; L. Peuffert (signatures on flyleaves).
Call Number
KKB3901.A73 S35 1787
Record Appears in