V. cl. Petri Peckii In titt. Dig. & Cod. ad rem nauticam pertinentes commentarii : quibus nunc accedunt notae cum ampla dote variarum circa rem navalem observationum / beneficio Arnoldi Vinnii, J.C. ; item, Ius navale Rhodiorum Graec.-Lat., indexque geminus.
KZA1145 .P43 1647
Available at Robbins Rare
Uniform Title
Ad rem nauticam commentarii
V. cl. Petri Peckii In titt. Dig. & Cod. ad rem nauticam pertinentes commentarii : quibus nunc accedunt notae cum ampla dote variarum circa rem navalem observationum / beneficio Arnoldi Vinnii, J.C. ; item, Ius navale Rhodiorum Graec.-Lat., indexque geminus.
Lugduni Batavorum : Ex officinâ Adriani Wyngaerden, anno 1647.
[16], 423, [23] pages ; 18 cm (8vo)
Signatures: *⁸ A-2D⁸ 2E⁸ (-2E8; 2E6-7 blank).
Title page in red and black; printer's device on title page (engraving); head- and tailpieces; initials.
The "Ius navale Rhodiorum" (p. [405]-423), confusingly said to be extracted from book 11 of the Digesta, gives the Greek text and J. Leunclavius's Latin translation of the 47 articles that form the core of the code known as Rhodian sea-law.
Title page in red and black; printer's device on title page (engraving); head- and tailpieces; initials.
The "Ius navale Rhodiorum" (p. [405]-423), confusingly said to be extracted from book 11 of the Digesta, gives the Greek text and J. Leunclavius's Latin translation of the 47 articles that form the core of the code known as Rhodian sea-law.
Language Note
In Latin; the "Ius navale Rhodiorum" in Greek with Latin translation.
Binding Information
Bound in old vellum.
Place of Publication or Printing
Netherlands -- Leiden.
Call Number
KZA1145 .P43 1647
Rhodian sea-law. Latin.
Rhodian sea-law. Greek.
Rhodian sea-law. Greek.
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