Jerusalem, city of law and justice / edited by Nahum Rakover.
Raḳover, Naḥum.; Moreshet ha-mishpaṭ be-Yiśraʼel.; Israel. Miśrad ha-mishpaṭim.; Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim.; New York County Lawyers' Association.; Lishkat ʻorkhe ha-din be-Yiśraʼel.; International Seminar on the Sources of Contemporary Law: Jerusalem--City of Law and Justice (1996 : Jerusalem)
BM520 .J47 1998 (Mapit)
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Jerusalem, city of law and justice / edited by Nahum Rakover.
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Jerusalem : Library of Jewish Law : Ministry of Justice : Jewish Legal Heritage Society, 1998.
512 pages ; 25 cm.
Sifriyat ha-mishpaṭ ha-ʻIvri.
Formatted Contents Note
Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
Israel as a Jewish and democratic state
Human rights and the individual
Penal law, evidence, responsiblity
Law and medicine
Influence of Jewish law on other legal systems.
Israel as a Jewish and democratic state
Human rights and the individual
Penal law, evidence, responsiblity
Law and medicine
Influence of Jewish law on other legal systems.
"[C]omprises the proceedings of an international seminar on 'Jerusalem - City of Law and Justice', held at Jerusalem in June 1996 ... This was the third in a series of seminars on 'The Sources of Contemporary Law'"--Pref.
Seminar held under the auspices of the Israel Ministry of Justice, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Israel Bar and the New York County Lawyers' Association.
Seminar held under the auspices of the Israel Ministry of Justice, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Israel Bar and the New York County Lawyers' Association.
Language Note
Some papers translated from the original Hebrew.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references.
Call Number
BM520 .J47 1998
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