Talmud Bavli : ʻim perush Rashi ṿe-Tosafot u-fisḳe Tosafot ṿe-rabenu Asher u-fisḳe ha-Rosh u-ferush ha-Mishnayot meha-Rambam.
BM499 1791 Folio
Uniform Title
Talmud. 1790.
Talmud Bavli : ʻim perush Rashi ṿe-Tosafot u-fisḳe Tosafot ṿe-rabenu Asher u-fisḳe ha-Rosh u-ferush ha-Mishnayot meha-Rambam.
Ṿin : Yozef Hroshontsḳi, [1790 or 1791-1796 or 1797]
12 volumes ; 40 cm
Formatted Contents Note
v.1. Berakhot
v.2. Shabat, ʻEruvin
v.3. Pesaḥim, Betsah, Ḥagigah, Moʻed ḳatan
v.4. Rosh ha-Shanah, Yoma, Sukah, Taʻanit, Megilah
v.5. Yevamot, Ketubot, Ḳidushin
v.6. Giṭin, Nedarim, Nazir, Soṭah
v.7. Bava ḳama, Bava metsiʻa
- v.8. Bava batra, Avodah zarah
v.9. Sanhedrin, Shevuʻot, Makot, Horayot
v.10. Zevaḥim, Menaḥot, Bekhorot
v.11. Ḥulin, ʻArakhin, Temurah, Keritot, Meʻilah, Tamid
v.12. Nidah.
v.2. Shabat, ʻEruvin
v.3. Pesaḥim, Betsah, Ḥagigah, Moʻed ḳatan
v.4. Rosh ha-Shanah, Yoma, Sukah, Taʻanit, Megilah
v.5. Yevamot, Ketubot, Ḳidushin
v.6. Giṭin, Nedarim, Nazir, Soṭah
v.7. Bava ḳama, Bava metsiʻa
- v.8. Bava batra, Avodah zarah
v.9. Sanhedrin, Shevuʻot, Makot, Horayot
v.10. Zevaḥim, Menaḥot, Bekhorot
v.11. Ḥulin, ʻArakhin, Temurah, Keritot, Meʻilah, Tamid
v.12. Nidah.
v.1. Berakhot includes also Mishnayot min seder Zeraʻim.
v.4. Rosh ha-Shanah includes also Talmud Yerushalmi Shekalim.
v.9. Sanhedrin includes also Masekhtot ʻEduyot, Avot, Soferim, Semakhot, and Derekh Erets and Avot de-Rabi Natan.
v.11. Zevaḥim includes also Mishnayot Midot and Tamid.
v.12. Nidah includes also Mishnayot min seder Ṭehorot.
v.4. Rosh ha-Shanah includes also Talmud Yerushalmi Shekalim.
v.9. Sanhedrin includes also Masekhtot ʻEduyot, Avot, Soferim, Semakhot, and Derekh Erets and Avot de-Rabi Natan.
v.11. Zevaḥim includes also Mishnayot Midot and Tamid.
v.12. Nidah includes also Mishnayot min seder Ṭehorot.
vol. 3 only.
RARE vol. 3 only.
RARE vol. 3 only.
Call Number
BM499 1791 Folio
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