Report of the Trusteeship Council to the Security Council on the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
KZ5030 (Mapit)
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Corporate Author
Report of the Trusteeship Council to the Security Council on the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
Added Corporate Author
New York : United Nations.
Publication Coverage
11th-49th year (1956-1994)
40 volumes ; 28 cm.
Official records (United Nations. Security Council). Special supplement.
Issued annually as Special Supplement No. 1 to the Security Council Official Records for its 11th-49th year (1956-1994), covering the trusteeship period from 23 July 1955 - 1 Nov. 1994; for the 11th year (1956), another special supplement was published to include a compilation of earlier reports of the Trusteeship Council to the Security Council on the Trust Territory, covering the period to 22 July 1955.
In English and French from 11th-22nd year (1956-1967); English only, 23rd-49th year (1968-1994).
Parallel title: Rapport du Conseil de tutelle au Conseil de sécurité concernant le Territoire sous tutelle des Iles du Pacifique pour la période du ... (11th-22nd year, 1956-1967).
Issued with U.N. document series symbol S/--, e.g. S/19596.
Caption title only, 11th-22nd year (1956-1967).
In English and French from 11th-22nd year (1956-1967); English only, 23rd-49th year (1968-1994).
Parallel title: Rapport du Conseil de tutelle au Conseil de sécurité concernant le Territoire sous tutelle des Iles du Pacifique pour la période du ... (11th-22nd year, 1956-1967).
Issued with U.N. document series symbol S/--, e.g. S/19596.
Caption title only, 11th-22nd year (1956-1967).
Local Note
Reports are shelved/bound as special supplements and part of the Security Council Official Records issued for the 11th-49th year, arranged in the following order: meeting records, supplements, special supplements, resolutions and decisions.
Parallel Title
Rapport du Conseil de tutelle au Conseil de sécurité concernant le Territoire sous tutelle des Iles du Pacifique pour la période du ..
Other Title
Report of the Trusteeship Council to the Security Council on the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands covering the period from ..
Call Number
Holding Record
Current: BOUND 11th-42nd (1956-1987)
UNBOUND 43rd-49th Years (1988-1994)
UNBOUND 43rd-49th Years (1988-1994)
Record Appears in