Corporate Author
Official records. Special supplement.
New York : United Nations.
Publication Coverage
First year, second series (1946)-
Official records (United Nations. Security Council).
Volumes contain special reports issued once or over a longer period of time, e.g. Report of the Trusteeship Council to the Security Council on the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, published for the 11th-49th year (1949-1994), usually as Special Supplement No. 1.
Special supplements issued for the 1st-16th year (1946-1961) are listed in: United Nations, Official Records, 1948-1962; for the 17th-35th year (1962-1980) in: United Nations, Official Records, 1962-1981; from the 36th year (1981)- annual listings can be found in: Index to Proceedings of the Security Council (see List of Documents: Supplements).
In English and French, 2nd-22nd year (1947-1967); in English only, 1st year, 2nd series (1946) and from 23rd year (1968)- .
U.N. document series symbol: S/--, from 2nd year (1947)- .
Volumes are numbered for each year, from 2nd year (1947)- .
Special supplements issued for the 1st-16th year (1946-1961) are listed in: United Nations, Official Records, 1948-1962; for the 17th-35th year (1962-1980) in: United Nations, Official Records, 1962-1981; from the 36th year (1981)- annual listings can be found in: Index to Proceedings of the Security Council (see List of Documents: Supplements).
In English and French, 2nd-22nd year (1947-1967); in English only, 1st year, 2nd series (1946) and from 23rd year (1968)- .
U.N. document series symbol: S/--, from 2nd year (1947)- .
Volumes are numbered for each year, from 2nd year (1947)- .
Local Note
Special supplements are shelved/bound as part of the Security Council Official Records issued for each year and typically arranged in the following order: meeting records, supplements, special supplements, resolutions and decisions.
Parallel Title
Procès verbaux officiels. Supplément spécial.
Call Number
Holding Record
Current: BOUND 1946-1987 (1st-42nd Years)
UNBOUND 1988 (43rd Year)- [no special supplements issued for 1995-1998]
UNBOUND 1988 (43rd Year)- [no special supplements issued for 1995-1998]
Record Appears in