Corporate Author
Official records. Supplement for ...
New York : United Nations.
Publication Coverage
First year (1946)-
volumes ; 28-31 cm.
Official records (United Nations. Security Council).
Title varies: Supplement (1st-2nd year, 1946-1947).
In English and French, 1st-23rd year (1946-1968); English only, 24th year (1969)- .
Parallel title varies: Procès-verbaux officiels. Supplément (1st-2nd year, 1946-1947); Procès-verbaux officiels. Supplément de ... (3rd-8th year, 1947-1953); Documents officiels. Supplément ... (9th-23rd year, 1954-1968).
Volumes reproduce Security Council documents issued first in masthead/mimeographed form, symbolled S/-- (e.g. S/25050); documents are arranged in numerical order by U.N. symbol, which also results in a chronological listing.
Frequency varies, 1st-5th year (1946-1950); from 6th year (1951)- quarterly supplements reproduce Security Council documents issued during Jan.-March, April-June, July-Sept. and Oct.-Dec. of each year.
Place of publication varies.
Volumes numbered irregularly, 1st-2nd year (1946-1947). For the 1st year only, supplements are issued in a first and second series, numbered individually.
In English and French, 1st-23rd year (1946-1968); English only, 24th year (1969)- .
Parallel title varies: Procès-verbaux officiels. Supplément (1st-2nd year, 1946-1947); Procès-verbaux officiels. Supplément de ... (3rd-8th year, 1947-1953); Documents officiels. Supplément ... (9th-23rd year, 1954-1968).
Volumes reproduce Security Council documents issued first in masthead/mimeographed form, symbolled S/-- (e.g. S/25050); documents are arranged in numerical order by U.N. symbol, which also results in a chronological listing.
Frequency varies, 1st-5th year (1946-1950); from 6th year (1951)- quarterly supplements reproduce Security Council documents issued during Jan.-March, April-June, July-Sept. and Oct.-Dec. of each year.
Place of publication varies.
Volumes numbered irregularly, 1st-2nd year (1946-1947). For the 1st year only, supplements are issued in a first and second series, numbered individually.
Local Note
Supplements are shelved/bound as part of the Security Council Official Records issued for each year and typically arranged in the following order: meeting records, supplements, special supplements, resolutions and decisions.
Related Item
[Documents of the Security Council].
Parallel Title
Procès-verbaux officiels. Supplément.
Documents officiels. Supplément.
Documents officiels. Supplément.
Portion of Title
Official records. Supplement.
Call Number
Holding Record
Current: BOUND 1946-1987 (1st-42nd Years); UNBOUND 1988 (43rd Year)-
Record Appears in