Letter from Ferrante Gonzaga promising money to the army of Milan.
Robbins MS 234
Available at Robbins cage
Letter from Ferrante Gonzaga promising money to the army of Milan.
Added Author
Added Corporate Author
Milan?, 1553.
8 leaves : parchment ; 237 x 162 (187 x 112) mm bound to 240 x 165 mm
Formatted Contents Note
Fol. 2r-8r: "[text] In nomine Domini anno a nativitate eiusdem millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo tertio indicationes duodecima die decimo octavo mensis octobris Illustrissimus et eximius Dominus Dominus Don Fernandus a Gonzagha princeps Malphiti ... Carolus Quintus divina favente clementia Romanorum Imperator Augustus ... Recognoscimus et notum facimus tenore presentium universis quod cum pro communi bono status Mediolani proque conservatione ac defenssione eiusdem ac totius Italie quiete et tranquilitate cupiam providere ne exercitus noster quem in Italia habemus et hactenus gravibus impensis aluimus ex necessitate rei pecuniarie laboret ... Ego Alexander Confanonerius filius quondam Domini Iohanni Ambrosii porte orientalis parochie Sancti Pauli Mediolani publicus Imperiali et Apostolica auctoritatibus ac Cesarie camere Illustrissimi Domini Mediolani notarius suprascriptum instrumentum sic pervolutum tradidi et subscripsi" ; fol. 8v: ruled but blank.
Letter, dated the Wednesday, October 18th, 1553, from Ferrante (Ferdinandus) Gonzaga of Mantova, stating that he is authorized by Charles V to provide to pay the army of Milan.
Ms. codex.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Collation: Parchment, fol. i (modern paper) + 8 + i (modern paper); 1⁸.
Layout: Written in 36 long lines; ruled in ink with double vertical bounding lines.
Script: Written by one hand in a neat humanistic-style script with cursive elements.
Decoration: First letter of opening word "In" has a long, 7-line descender with pen flourishings. The notary's initials, "AC," written in letters 3-lines high with a cross in the middle. All decorative elements are in the same brown ink as the rest of the text.
Binding: Blind-tooled, 16th century leather binding, likely original. Binding is very worn.
Origin: Many of the witnesses of this document are from Asti. The document was notarized in Milan.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, The Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 234.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Collation: Parchment, fol. i (modern paper) + 8 + i (modern paper); 1⁸.
Layout: Written in 36 long lines; ruled in ink with double vertical bounding lines.
Script: Written by one hand in a neat humanistic-style script with cursive elements.
Decoration: First letter of opening word "In" has a long, 7-line descender with pen flourishings. The notary's initials, "AC," written in letters 3-lines high with a cross in the middle. All decorative elements are in the same brown ink as the rest of the text.
Binding: Blind-tooled, 16th century leather binding, likely original. Binding is very worn.
Origin: Many of the witnesses of this document are from Asti. The document was notarized in Milan.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, The Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 234.
Language Note
The manuscript was a gift of the Case de Subhastes de Barcelona.
RBCAG Robbins MS 234
Access Note
RESTRICTED ORIGINAL: Use of original only by permission. Inquiries concerning this item should be directed, in writing, to the reference librarian for The Robbins Collection.
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Call Number
Robbins MS 234
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