Remarques faites sur plusieurs articles de la coutume d'Artois et sur quelques questions de droit et de pratique / par seu Mr. le conseiller Hebert.
Robbins MS 254
Available at Robbins cage
Uniform Title
Remarques faites sur plusieurs articles de la coutume Artois et sur quelques questions de droit et de pratique. (Robbins Ms. 254)
Remarques faites sur plusieurs articles de la coutume d'Artois et sur quelques questions de droit et de pratique / par seu Mr. le conseiller Hebert.
Added Author
Added Corporate Author
France, 1802?
1 volume (384 leaves) : paper ; 30 x 19 cm bound to 31 x 19 cm + 4 slips (paper ; 24 x 16 cm or smaller)
Formatted Contents Note
Remarques faites sur plusieurs articles de la coutume d'Artois et sur quelques questions de droit et de pratique
Forme a observer pour le descret
Table alphabetique des matieres contenues dans ce manuscrit.
Forme a observer pour le descret
Table alphabetique des matieres contenues dans ce manuscrit.
Commentary on the customary laws of Artois, articles 1-201, by M. Hébert, conseiller to the the pronvincial council of Artois. Footnotes, reading "ce qui n'est plus" and "cet article est changé", added in places; marginal notations in later hands in pencil and ink. Note on upper pastedown dates manuscript to on or before 1802. Laid-in slips with comments and notes on the next between fol. 35 and 36, 79 and 80, 113 and 114, 356 and 357.
Ms. codex.
Title transcribed from heading on fol. 1r.
Collation: Paper (various watermarks), fol. 384; 1¹⁰ 2¹⁴ 3¹⁰ 4¹⁴ 5² 6-7¹⁰ 8¹⁴ 9¹² 10¹⁰ 11¹⁴ 12¹⁰ 13¹⁴ 14¹⁰ 15¹⁴ 16¹⁰ 17¹⁴ 18¹⁰ 19¹⁴ 20⁸ 21¹⁰ 22¹⁴ 23¹⁰ 24¹⁴ 25¹⁰ 26¹⁴ 27⁸ 28² 29⁸ 30⁶ 31¹⁴ 32²⁰⁽⁻²⁰⁾ 33⁸ 34¹⁰⁽⁺¹̓̕⁹·²⁰⁾ 35¹²⁽⁻¹²⁾. Last leaf in quire 35 forms the lower pastedown. Folios 1-351 paginated 1-702.
Script: Written in cursive by roughly four hands.
Origin: Written in France during the late eighteenth century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 254.
Title transcribed from heading on fol. 1r.
Collation: Paper (various watermarks), fol. 384; 1¹⁰ 2¹⁴ 3¹⁰ 4¹⁴ 5² 6-7¹⁰ 8¹⁴ 9¹² 10¹⁰ 11¹⁴ 12¹⁰ 13¹⁴ 14¹⁰ 15¹⁴ 16¹⁰ 17¹⁴ 18¹⁰ 19¹⁴ 20⁸ 21¹⁰ 22¹⁴ 23¹⁰ 24¹⁴ 25¹⁰ 26¹⁴ 27⁸ 28² 29⁸ 30⁶ 31¹⁴ 32²⁰⁽⁻²⁰⁾ 33⁸ 34¹⁰⁽⁺¹̓̕⁹·²⁰⁾ 35¹²⁽⁻¹²⁾. Last leaf in quire 35 forms the lower pastedown. Folios 1-351 paginated 1-702.
Script: Written in cursive by roughly four hands.
Origin: Written in France during the late eighteenth century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 254.
Language Note
In French.
Indexed In
Sueur, P. Conseil provincial d'Artois (1640-1790), pages 337 and 385.
Formerly in the collection of Paul-Emile Delair, Emile Delair, and Jacques-Joseph Delair. "Delair, P." and note identifying it as the property of his father, Emile, and grandfather, Jacques Joseph, inscribed in ink on upper pastedown.
Binding Information
Bound in brown calfskin, slightly worn; red-speckled edges.
RBCAG Robbins MS 254
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Call Number
Robbins MS 254
Record Appears in