Plenary meetings : summary records of the meetings held during ...
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Plenary meetings : summary records of the meetings held during ...
New York : United Nations, [1946?]-
volumes ; 28-32 cm.
Official records (United Nations. Economic and Social Council)
From 1999- selected provisional summary records of Council meetings can be found on the United Nations Web site via the Economic and Social Council Page.
Press releases, summarizing recently held Council meetings months before the provisional meeting records are made available, can also be found on the United Nations Web site via the Economic and Social Council Page.
For the first two sessions only, meeting records also include annexes; the last of these annexes contains resolutions.
Includes list of documents beginning with the 5th session (1947).
Title varies, 1st-63rd sessions (1946-1977).
From 1953- a subject index to the considerations of the Council and pertinent documentation, as well as an index to speeches can be found in: Index to proceedings of the Economic and Social Council.
U.N. document symbols for the 348th - 2090th meetings (13 Feb. 1950 - 14 Dec. 1977): E/SR.348 - E/SR.2090 (earlier meeting records do not bear document symbols.) From 1978- , symbols include the year, e.g. the first meeting held in 1978 carries the symbol: E/1978/SR.1.
In English and French, 1st-9th sessions (1946-1949); in English only, 10th session (1950)- .
Verbatim records were prepared for the first six meetings (23 Jan. - 8 Feb. 1946); from the 7th meeting (11th Feb. 1946)- meetings are covered by summary records.
Numbering varies: first fifty meetings, held in 1946 (1st-3rd sessions) were numbered separately for each session; meetings held from 1947-1977 (4th-63rd sessions) are numbered consecutively as 51st-2085th (counted from the inaugural meeting of the Council); from 1978- meetings held during the organizational and regular/substantive sessions of each calendar year are numbered consecutively during that year.
Place of publication varies, 1st-32nd sessions (1946-1961); from the 33rd session (1962)- published in New York.
Press releases, summarizing recently held Council meetings months before the provisional meeting records are made available, can also be found on the United Nations Web site via the Economic and Social Council Page.
For the first two sessions only, meeting records also include annexes; the last of these annexes contains resolutions.
Includes list of documents beginning with the 5th session (1947).
Title varies, 1st-63rd sessions (1946-1977).
From 1953- a subject index to the considerations of the Council and pertinent documentation, as well as an index to speeches can be found in: Index to proceedings of the Economic and Social Council.
U.N. document symbols for the 348th - 2090th meetings (13 Feb. 1950 - 14 Dec. 1977): E/SR.348 - E/SR.2090 (earlier meeting records do not bear document symbols.) From 1978- , symbols include the year, e.g. the first meeting held in 1978 carries the symbol: E/1978/SR.1.
In English and French, 1st-9th sessions (1946-1949); in English only, 10th session (1950)- .
Verbatim records were prepared for the first six meetings (23 Jan. - 8 Feb. 1946); from the 7th meeting (11th Feb. 1946)- meetings are covered by summary records.
Numbering varies: first fifty meetings, held in 1946 (1st-3rd sessions) were numbered separately for each session; meetings held from 1947-1977 (4th-63rd sessions) are numbered consecutively as 51st-2085th (counted from the inaugural meeting of the Council); from 1978- meetings held during the organizational and regular/substantive sessions of each calendar year are numbered consecutively during that year.
Place of publication varies, 1st-32nd sessions (1946-1961); from the 33rd session (1962)- published in New York.
Local Note
Shelved and bound as part of the Economic and Social Council official records published for each session and typically arranged in the following order: plenary meetings, annexes (1948-1973), supplements.
Related Item
Index to proceedings of the Economic and Social Council.
Parallel Title
Procès-verbaux officiels.
De la ... séance à la ... séance.
De la ... séance à la ... séance.
Other Title
From the ... meeting to the ... meeting.
Official records.
Summary records of plenary meetings 1974-1977.
Official records.
Summary records of plenary meetings 1974-1977.
Call Number
Holding Record
Current: BOUND 1946-1981, 1983-1989, 1993; UNBOUND 1982, 1990-1991
Published irregularly & slowly
Published irregularly & slowly
Record Appears in