State of Louisiana report of the Attorney General to the Governor and members of the Legislature as required by R.S. 15:21 et seq. and statistical report of crimes charged as required by R.S. 15:575 et seq.
KFL71 .S73
Available at Room 195
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Corporate Author
State of Louisiana report of the Attorney General to the Governor and members of the Legislature as required by R.S. 15:21 et seq. and statistical report of crimes charged as required by R.S. 15:575 et seq.
Variant Title
Vol. for 1962/1965 has title: State of Louisiana report of the Attorney General to the governor and members of the Legislature as required by R.S. 15:25 et seq. and statistical report of crimes charged ..
Baton Rouge : Dept. of Justice, [1965-197-?]
Biennial 1966/67-
Former Frequency
Triennial 19 -1962/65.
Title varies slightly.
Linking Note
Formed by union of: Louisiana. Dept. of Justice. Report of the Attorney General, State of Louisiana to the Governor and members of the Legislature as required by R.S. 15:25 et seq. from ... ; and: Louisiana. Dept. of Justice. Statistical report of the Attorney General, State of Louisiana of crimes charged as required by R.S. 15:575 et seq. of the Louisiana revised statutes of 1950 from ...
Other Title
Report ... to the Governor and members of the Legislature ... and statistical report of crimes charged.
Call Number
KFL71 .S73
Key Title
State of Louisiana report of the Attorney General to the Governor and members of the Legislature as required by R. S. 15-21 et seq. and statistical report of crimes charged as required by R. S. 15-575 et seq.
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