The famous tryal of the late reverend and learned Mr. James Grame : Episcopal Minister of Dunfermline, formerly professor of humanity at St. Andrew's, before the several courts of church judicature in Scotland : who was amongst other things arraign'd by the commissioners for the Kirk session at Dunfermline, condemn'd and at last depos'd by the Provincial Synod of Fyfe on the 20th of June 1701, for having advanc'd and maintain'd two of the great and capital truths of the Christian religion, viz. I. That Christ died for all those that profess the Gospel. II. That he hath purchas'd pardon and salvation for them, upon condition that they believe in Him, and repent of their sins. Being a true and impartial narrative of the Presbyterian proceedings against Mr Grame, together with his defences at large / the whole writ by the defendant soon after he was depos'd, and now first publish'd ...
BX9078 .G73 1719
Available at Robbins Rare
The famous tryal of the late reverend and learned Mr. James Grame : Episcopal Minister of Dunfermline, formerly professor of humanity at St. Andrew's, before the several courts of church judicature in Scotland : who was amongst other things arraign'd by the commissioners for the Kirk session at Dunfermline, condemn'd and at last depos'd by the Provincial Synod of Fyfe on the 20th of June 1701, for having advanc'd and maintain'd two of the great and capital truths of the Christian religion, viz. I. That Christ died for all those that profess the Gospel. II. That he hath purchas'd pardon and salvation for them, upon condition that they believe in Him, and repent of their sins. Being a true and impartial narrative of the Presbyterian proceedings against Mr Grame, together with his defences at large / the whole writ by the defendant soon after he was depos'd, and now first publish'd ...
Added Author
London : Printed and sold by J. Bettenham at the Crown in Pater noster-Row, 1719.
xxiv, 182 pages, 2 unnumbered pages ; 21 cm (octavo)
Signatures: [superscript pi]A⁸ B⁴ A-L⁸ M⁴.
D1-2 missigned E, E2; D3-4 signed correctly.
Errata: p. [183].
D1-2 missigned E, E2; D3-4 signed correctly.
Errata: p. [183].
Local Note
Binding: modern green cloth boards, gold-stamped on back, with title label.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Indexed In
ESTC T073123.
RARE BX9078 .G73 1719
Call Number
BX9078 .G73 1719
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