Competition law and policy and consumer protection.
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Competition law and policy and consumer protection.
Added Corporate Author
Geneva : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, <2000>-
Description based on site as viewed November, 2000.
UNCTAD's homepage offers a link to the Competition law and policy and consumer protection site in the drop-down menu for "UNCTAD project subsites."
Site provides access to the full text of documents published for UNCTAD's expert bodies considering competition law and policy issues since 1996, via its "Documents" link; other links provide access to the (i) Model law on competition, (ii) Handbook on competition legislation and (iii) Directory of competition authorities, (iv) UNCTAD series on issues in competiton law and policy. Also included is a link offering the full text of the "Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices" and related resolutions, and a link covering United Nations "review conferences" on the Set with documentation and press information.
UNCTAD's homepage offers a link to the Competition law and policy and consumer protection site in the drop-down menu for "UNCTAD project subsites."
Site provides access to the full text of documents published for UNCTAD's expert bodies considering competition law and policy issues since 1996, via its "Documents" link; other links provide access to the (i) Model law on competition, (ii) Handbook on competition legislation and (iii) Directory of competition authorities, (iv) UNCTAD series on issues in competiton law and policy. Also included is a link offering the full text of the "Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices" and related resolutions, and a link covering United Nations "review conferences" on the Set with documentation and press information.
System Details Note
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Other Title
Title on title bar: UNCTAD competition policy website.
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