Libellus penitentialis in septem libris divisus.
Robbins MS 239
Available at Robbins cage
Uniform Title
Liber poenitentialis. (Robbins Ms. 239)
Libellus penitentialis in septem libris divisus.
Added Corporate Author
[Germany], [between 1450 and 1475]
36 leaves : paper ; 315 x 220 (235 x 138) mm bound to 320 x 220 mm
Formatted Contents Note
Fol. 1r-36v: "[rubr.] Incipit libellus penitentialis in septem libros divisus a magistro Iohanne de Deo hispano doctore decretorum editus. [text] Venerabilis patri ac domino ac divina providentia ... Hec est regula necessitatis a prioribus approbata quod nichil facias commendandi ... acquiruntur regnum Dei. [rubr.] Explicit liber scriptus ad honorem summe trinitate et individue unitate in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. A magistro Iohanne de Deo compilatum Deo gratia. [colophon] En ego quem genuit pia patria Portuguensis diva cathedravit urbis schola Bononiensis. Hoc opus aptavi domino non absque labore sed labori est facilis Christus superatus morte."
The Libellus Penitentialis by Joaõ de Deus is here complete, and has some marginal notes by the scribe himself. No index or table of contents is provided.
Ms. codex.
Title from the opening rubric, fol. 1r.
Collation: Paper, fol. i (modern paper) + 36 + i (modern paper) ; 1-3¹². Catchwords on the right side of the bottom margin, on verso, by the hand of the scribe. No contemporary foliation and no quire numbers are visible. Two visible watermarks: one very close to Briquet 2403, "Balance"; the other one very close to Briquet 14548-50, "Tete de boeuf."
Layout: Written in 2 columns of 40 lines, below top line. Frame ruled in ink. Guide text for the rubricator cropped but still visible on most folios. Wide margins and some marginal notes in them.
Script: Written in a tidy cursive bastard script by one scribe who apparently wrote the rubrics too.
Decoration: Red simple initials on 2-4 lines, occasionally penworked. Red rubrics throughout the text.
Binding: 19th century quarter calf over pasteboard, covered with marbled paper.
Origin: Written in Germany, in the third quarter of the 15th century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, The Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 239.
Title from the opening rubric, fol. 1r.
Collation: Paper, fol. i (modern paper) + 36 + i (modern paper) ; 1-3¹². Catchwords on the right side of the bottom margin, on verso, by the hand of the scribe. No contemporary foliation and no quire numbers are visible. Two visible watermarks: one very close to Briquet 2403, "Balance"; the other one very close to Briquet 14548-50, "Tete de boeuf."
Layout: Written in 2 columns of 40 lines, below top line. Frame ruled in ink. Guide text for the rubricator cropped but still visible on most folios. Wide margins and some marginal notes in them.
Script: Written in a tidy cursive bastard script by one scribe who apparently wrote the rubrics too.
Decoration: Red simple initials on 2-4 lines, occasionally penworked. Red rubrics throughout the text.
Binding: 19th century quarter calf over pasteboard, covered with marbled paper.
Origin: Written in Germany, in the third quarter of the 15th century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, The Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 239.
Language Note
On inside front cover, bookplate that reads: "Ex libris Ernst Fischer 1905. Hans Vischer 1399. Vallen Fischer 1570"; this ex-libris shows a page holding a coat of arms with two fish on it. In the manuscript are inserted two sheets written in Latin and German by two different German hands (both 20th century) describing the text and the manuscript itself. One of the sheets has a shelfmark "Hs. 9" written in the upper corner, which was a shelfmark from a former owner. On inside back cover, there is the number "14880" written in pencil by a 20th century hand.
RBCAG Robbins MS 239
Access Note
RESTRICTED ORIGINAL: Use of original only by permission. Inquiries concerning this item should be directed, in writing, to the reference librarian for The Robbins Collection.
Call Number
Robbins MS 239
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