Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1951-56; Volume XV: European Problems : hearings before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Economic Affairs, Special Study Mission to Germany and Certain Other Countries, Subcommittee on Europe, Eighty-Second Congress, first session and Eighty-Second Congress, second session and Eighty-Third Congress, first session and Eighty-Third Congress, second session and Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session and Eighty-Fourth Congress, second session.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Economic Affairs.; United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Special Study Mission to Germany and Certain Other Countries.; United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Europe.
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Uniform Title
ProQuest U.S. Congressional Hearings Digital Collection.
Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1951-56; Volume XV: European Problems : hearings before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Economic Affairs, Special Study Mission to Germany and Certain Other Countries, Subcommittee on Europe, Eighty-Second Congress, first session and Eighty-Second Congress, second session and Eighty-Third Congress, first session and Eighty-Third Congress, second session and Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session and Eighty-Fourth Congress, second session.
Added Corporate Author
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1980.
xxxviii, 587 pages ; cm
Contains transcripts of House Foreign Relations Committee executive session hearings. Transcribed hearings are. a. Review of foreign and military aid programs to Yugoslavia. Mar. 22, June 13, 1951, Feb. 26, 1952. p. 7-25, 73-91, 131-152. Includes discussions of Yugoslavian food shortages, political affairs, and defense relations with U.S. b. Attachment of Economic Development Administration aid funds for Greece by private Belgian concerns and provisions of proposed European Coal and Steel Community accords. Apr. 9, 1951. p. 27-51. c. Briefings on West German affairs. Apr. 25, Oct. 16, 1951. p. 53-71, 93-106. Includes discussions of termination of U.S. declaration of war against Germany, U.S. forces in West Germany, and West German political affairs. d. Political conditions in Yugoslavia, Austria, Italy, and Spain. Oct. 18, 1951. p. 107-129. Includes discussion of negotiations for U.S. airbases in Spain. e. Briefing on NATO and European political affairs. Jan. 16, 1952. p. 158-185. Includes discussions on European military and economic unification, West German rearmament, pending treaties, political developments in the Middle East and Latin America, and impact of Korean War peace accords. f. Lisbon Conference of NATO Ministers. Jan. 16, Feb. 8, 28, Mar. 4, 1952. p. 187-285. Includes discussions on West German rearmament and NATO membership, the London meeting of West German, French, British, and U.S. Ministers following the funeral of King George VI, and proposal for European Defense Community establishment. g. European Defense Community establishment proposal and West German war claims payment and political affairs. May 16, 1952. p. 287-308. h. U.S. foreign policies on NATO, Asia, and the Soviet Union. Apr. 17, 1953. p. 309-325. i. European travel reports of House study mission members. Apr. 22, 1953, Apr. 20, 1955. p. 327-352, 521-530. Includes discussions on European defense readiness, prospects for proposed European Defense Community establishment, and West German rearmament. j. NATO Council meeting and European defense programs. Apr. 28, 1953, May 16, 1955. p. 352-374, 531-552. Includes discussions on European Defense Community accord ratification prospects, the French war in Indochina, admission of West Germany into NATO, and the treaty on occupation troops withdrawal from Austria. k. Negotiations for U.S. airbases and naval facilities in Spain. May 7, June 4, 1953. p. 375-404. Includes discussion of economic relations between Spain and U.S. l. Berlin Conference of Ministers on European Borders. Jan. 19, Feb. 3, 1954. p. 405-460. Includes discussions on U.S. policies toward the People's Republic of China and of the French war in Indochina. m. European Defense Community Treaty ratification. Mar. 25, 1954. p. 461-479. n. Briefing on West German affairs. Feb. 18, 1955. p. 481-496. o. Briefing on French and West German affairs. Mar. 21, 1955. p. 497-520. p. European and Middle East reports of House Members. Jan. 24, 1956. p. 553-587. Includes discussion of French and German labor movements and of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
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Print version: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Economic Affairs. Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1951-56; Volume XV: European Problems.
Microfiche version: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Economic Affairs. Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1951-56; Volume XV: European Problems. [Bethesda, Md.] : LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions,[2004]
Microfiche version: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Economic Affairs. Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1951-56; Volume XV: European Problems. [Bethesda, Md.] : LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions,[2004]
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Electronic reproduction. [Bethesda, Md.] : ProQuest, 2004. digital, PDF file. ProQuest U.S. Congressional Hearings Digital Collection. Mode of access: World Wide Web via ProQuest website.
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