A Basic Treaty for the European Union : a study of the reorganization of the treaties / coordinators : Claus Dieter Ehlermann, Yves Mény ; Rapporteur, Hervé Bribosia ; Members of the Working Group, Grainne de Burca ... [and others] ; with the participation of Philippe de Schoutheete.
KJE4443.31992 .B37 2000 (Mapit)
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A Basic Treaty for the European Union : a study of the reorganization of the treaties / coordinators : Claus Dieter Ehlermann, Yves Mény ; Rapporteur, Hervé Bribosia ; Members of the Working Group, Grainne de Burca ... [and others] ; with the participation of Philippe de Schoutheete.
Added Corporate Author
[Florence, Italy] : European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, [2000]
11 pages, 59 pages, 81 pages ; 24 cm
"Report submitted on 15 May 2000 to Mr. Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission".
"At the beginning of 2000, the European Commission entrusted the Robert Schuman Centre at the European University Institute in Florence with a feasibility study on 'reorganising the treaties' on which the European Union is based"--p. 1 (first set of pages).
At head of title: European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
"Annex I contains the draft 'Basic Treaty of the European Union' with two annexed Special Protocols corresponding to the Union's two intergovernmental pillars"--p. 2 (first set of pages).
"At the beginning of 2000, the European Commission entrusted the Robert Schuman Centre at the European University Institute in Florence with a feasibility study on 'reorganising the treaties' on which the European Union is based"--p. 1 (first set of pages).
At head of title: European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
"Annex I contains the draft 'Basic Treaty of the European Union' with two annexed Special Protocols corresponding to the Union's two intergovernmental pillars"--p. 2 (first set of pages).
Call Number
KJE4443.31992 .B37 2000
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