City of Oakland (a municipal corporation), Plaintiff and Respondent, vs. Peter L. Wheeler, William B. Bosley and Samuel H. Buteau, as trustees of the Samuel Merritt Hospital, Defendants and Appellants : transcripts on appeal from judgment of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, from final order of condemnation and from order authorizing plaintiff to take possession of the property condemned.
KF228 .O34 (Mapit)
Available at Stacks
Corporate Author
City of Oakland (a municipal corporation), Plaintiff and Respondent, vs. Peter L. Wheeler, William B. Bosley and Samuel H. Buteau, as trustees of the Samuel Merritt Hospital, Defendants and Appellants : transcripts on appeal from judgment of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, from final order of condemnation and from order authorizing plaintiff to take possession of the property condemned.
Added Corporate Author
[San Francisco?] : Pernau [etc.], [1915-1917]
2 volumes ; 25 cm
McEnerney, Garret W. Transcripts and briefs ; New series, v. 77-78.
At head of title: In the Supreme Court of the State of California, S.F. no. 7471.
From the Garret W. McEnerney collection of Transcripts and briefs.
From the Garret W. McEnerney collection of Transcripts and briefs.
Spine Title
City of Oakland vs. Wheeler.
Call Number
KF228 .O34
Record Appears in