A true copy of the whole printed acts of the generall assemblies of the Church of Scotland, beginning at the assembly holden at Glasgow the 27. day of November 1638; and ending at the assembly holden at Edinburgh the 6. day of August 1649. / Diligently compared and exactly reprinted conforme to the foresaid printed acts by a welwisher of the Church of Scotland ...
BX9075 .A42 1682
Available at Robbins Rare
Corporate Author
A true copy of the whole printed acts of the generall assemblies of the Church of Scotland, beginning at the assembly holden at Glasgow the 27. day of November 1638; and ending at the assembly holden at Edinburgh the 6. day of August 1649. / Diligently compared and exactly reprinted conforme to the foresaid printed acts by a welwisher of the Church of Scotland ...
[Place of publication not identified], [publisher not identified], 1682.
485 pages ; 17 cm
Call Number
BX9075 .A42 1682
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