Personal Name
Accursius, glossator, approximately 1182-approximately 1260. Glossa ordinaria in Infortiatum
See Also
Commentary on (work): Infortiatum.
Related resource
Inforciatum, 3 March 1494.
Kuttner, S. A catalogue of canon and Roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library, 1987: vol. II, p. 39 (Vat. lat. 2339, Accursius, Glossa ordinaria in Infortiatum)
Walker, D. Oxford companion to law, 1980: (hdg.: Accorso, Francisco (Accursius); arranged the vast body of notes and comments on Justinian's Institutes, Digest, and Code ... and became known as the Glossa ordinaria or magistralis, or the Great Gloss.)
Medieval Italy: an Encyclopedia, 2004 : vol. 1, p. 437 (Glossa ordinaria compiled early during Accursius' career as a law professor at Bologna; traditional view that the glosses were completed c. 1228; but now 1220-1250 considered more likely time frame; compilation of work of Azo, Hugolinus, and other glossators, which Accursius selected, transcribed, condensed, and to which he added his own glosses)
Kuttner, S. A catalogue of canon and Roman law manuscripts in the Vatican Library, 1987: vol. II, p. 39 (Vat. lat. 2339, Accursius, Glossa ordinaria in Infortiatum)
Walker, D. Oxford companion to law, 1980: (hdg.: Accorso, Francisco (Accursius); arranged the vast body of notes and comments on Justinian's Institutes, Digest, and Code ... and became known as the Glossa ordinaria or magistralis, or the Great Gloss.)
Medieval Italy: an Encyclopedia, 2004 : vol. 1, p. 437 (Glossa ordinaria compiled early during Accursius' career as a law professor at Bologna; traditional view that the glosses were completed c. 1228; but now 1220-1250 considered more likely time frame; compilation of work of Azo, Hugolinus, and other glossators, which Accursius selected, transcribed, condensed, and to which he added his own glosses)
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