Federal appellate practice and procedure in a nutshell / by Gregory A. Castanias and Robert H. Klonoff.
KF9050 .C376 2008 (Mapit)
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Federal appellate practice and procedure in a nutshell / by Gregory A. Castanias and Robert H. Klonoff.
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St. Paul, MN : Thomson/West, [2008]
1 page, 472 pages ; 19 cm.
Nutshell series.
Formatted Contents Note
pt. I. Overview. Overview of the federal appellate court system
pt. II. Federal circuit courts. The work of the federal appellate courts
Preservation of error
The final-judgment rule
Notice of appeal
Parties on appeal
Relief pending review
Standards of review
The record on appeal
Special rules for review of bankruptcy, tax court, and administrative agency orders
Rules governing filing, service, time limits, and corporate disclosure
Motions, briefs, and appendices
Oral argument
Opinion and decisionmaking process
Entry of judgment, rehearing, rehearing en banc, and issuance of mandate
Appellate costs, sanctions, attorney discipline, and voluntary dismissals
Certification of state-law issues to state court
Special issues involving pro se appeals, appointed counsel, and habeas corpus
Local rules, internal operating procedures, and special masters
pt. III. U.S. Supreme Court. U.S. Supreme Court practice
pt. IV. The future of the federal appellate courts. Federal appellate justice in the 21st century.
pt. II. Federal circuit courts. The work of the federal appellate courts
Preservation of error
The final-judgment rule
Notice of appeal
Parties on appeal
Relief pending review
Standards of review
The record on appeal
Special rules for review of bankruptcy, tax court, and administrative agency orders
Rules governing filing, service, time limits, and corporate disclosure
Motions, briefs, and appendices
Oral argument
Opinion and decisionmaking process
Entry of judgment, rehearing, rehearing en banc, and issuance of mandate
Appellate costs, sanctions, attorney discipline, and voluntary dismissals
Certification of state-law issues to state court
Special issues involving pro se appeals, appointed counsel, and habeas corpus
Local rules, internal operating procedures, and special masters
pt. III. U.S. Supreme Court. U.S. Supreme Court practice
pt. IV. The future of the federal appellate courts. Federal appellate justice in the 21st century.
"This product provides thorough and up-to-date coverage of the major issues facing an advocate in the federal courts of appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court, including the final judgment rule and its exceptions, preservation of error, standards of review, filing notices of appeal or cross-appeal, motion practice (including emergency motions), briefs, records and appendixes, oral argument, rehearing and rehearing en banc, opinions, judgments, mandates, appellate sanctions, Supreme Court jurisdiction, writs of certiorari, and Supreme Court briefing and oral argument. It also provides strategic advice, such as how to prepare a persuasive brief and how to deliver an effective oral argument."--Publisher's website.
Includes index.
Call Number
KF9050 .C376 2008
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