Environmental law and climate change / Jonathan Verschuuren.
Environmental law and climate change / Jonathan Verschuuren.
Added Corporate Author
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd., 2015.
1 online resource (1 volumes) ; cm
Formatted Contents Note
Recommended readings (Machine generated): John C. Dernbach and Seema Kakade (2008), 'Climate Change Law: An Introduction'
Harro van Asselt, Francesco Sindico and Michael A. Mehling (2008), 'Global Climate Change and the Fragmentation of International Law'
William Boyd (2010), 'Climate Change, Fragmentation, and the Challenges of Global Environmental Law: Elements of a Post-Copenhagen Assemblage'
Jacqueline Peel, Lee Godden and Rodney J. Keenan (2012), 'Climate Change Law in an Era of Multi-Level Governance'
Joanne Scott (2011), 'The Multi-Level Governance of Climate Change'
Charlotte Streck (2012), Innovativeness and Paralysis in International Climate Policy'
Rowena Maguire (2013), 'The Role of Common but Differentiated Responsibility in the 2020 Climate Regime'
Meinhard Doelle (2010), 'Early Experience with the Kyoto Compliance System: Possible Lessons for MEA Compliance System Design'
Darragh Conway (2010), 'The United Nations Security Council and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities'
Neil Gunningham (2012), 'Confronting the Challenge of Energy Governance'
Javier de Cendra de Larragán (2010), 'From the EU ETS to a Global Carbon Market: An Analysis and Suggestions for the Way Forward'
Michael Mehling (2012), 'Between Twilight and Renaissance: Changing Prospects for the Carbon Market'
Stefan E. Weishaar and Edwin Woerdman (2012), 'Auctioning EU ETS Allowances: An Assessment of Market Manipulation from the Perspective of Law and Economics'
Marjan Peeters (2006), 'Inspection and Market-based Regulation through Emissions Trading: The Striking Reliance on Self-monitoring, Self-reporting and Verification'
Kirsten H. Engel (20006), 'Mitigating Global Climate Change in the United States: A Regional Approach'
Bo Kong and Carla Freeman (2013), 'Making Sense of Carbon Market Development in China'
Jonathan S. Masur and Eric A. Posner (2011), 'Climate Regulation and the Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis'
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and David M. Uhlmann (2009), 'Combating Global Climate Change: Why a Carbon Tax Is a Better Response to Global Warming Than Cap and Trade'
Kateryna Holzer and Nashina Shariff (2012), 'The Inclusion of Border Carbon Adjustments in Preferential Trade Agreements: Policy Implications'
Cameron Hutchison (2006), 'Does TRIPS Facilitate or Impede Climate Change Technology Transfer into Developing Countries?'
Rafael Leal-Arcas (2012), 'Unilateral Trade-related Climate Change Measures'
Felix Ekardt, Bettina Hennig and Hartwig von Bredow (2011), 'Land Use, Climate Change and Emissions Trading'
Maosheng Duan (2011), 'Reform of the Clean Development Mechanism: Where Should We Head For?'
Nicola Durrant (2011), 'Legal Issues in Carbon Farming: Biosequestration, Carbon Pricing, and Carbon Rights'
Annecoos Wiersema (2014), 'Climate Change, Forests, and International Law: REDD's Descent into Irrelevance'
J.B. Ruhl (2010), 'Climate Change Adaptation and the Structural Transformation of Environmental Law'
Robin Kundis Craig (2010), '"Stationarity is Dead" - Long Live Transformation: Five Principles for Climate Change Adaptation Law'
Edna Sussman, David C. Major, Rachel Deming, Pamela R. Esterman, Adeeb Fadil, Amy Fisher, Fred Fucci, Roberta Gordon, Caroline Harris, J. Kevin Healy, Cullen Howe, Kathy Robb and Jeff Smith (2010), 'Climate Change Adaptation: Fostering Progress through Law and Regulation'
Alexis Saba, Michela Biasutti, Michael B. Gerrard and David B. Lobell (2013), 'Getting Ahead of the Curve: Supporting Adaptation to Long-term Climate Change and Short-term Climate Variability Alike'
Peter P.J. Driessen and Helena F.M.W. van Rijswick (2011), 'Normative Aspects of Climate Adaptation Policies'
Britta Horstmann and Achala Chandani Abeysinghe (2011), 'The Adaptation Fund of the Kyoto Protocol: A Model for Financing Adaptation to Climate Change?'
Jonathan Verschuuren and Jan McDonald (2012), 'Towards a Legal Framework for Coastal Adaptation: Assessing the First steps in Europe and Australia'
Gabriel Eckstein (2009), 'Water Scarcity, Conflict, and Security in a Climate Change World: Challenges and Opportunities for International Law and Policy'
Heleen-Lydeke P. Mees and Peter P.J. Driessen (2011), 'Adaptation to Climate Change in Urban Areas: Climate-Greening London, Rotterdam, and Toronto'
Magali Dreyfus (2013), 'Are Cities a Relevant Scale of Action to Tackle Climate Change?: Some Reflections to Inform the Debate on the Post-2020 Regime'
Patricia E. Salkin (2009), 'Sustainability and Land Use Planning: Greening State and Local Land Use Plans and Regulations to Address Climate Change Challenges and Preserve Resources for Future Generations'
Arie Trouwborst (2011), 'Conserving European Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: The Bern Convention, the European Union Birds and Habitats Directives and the Adaptation of Nature to Climate Change'
Carmen G. Gonzalez (2011), 'Climate Change, Food Security, and Agrobiodiversity: Toward a Just, Resilient, and Sustainable Food System'
Robert W. Adler (2012), 'Balancing Compassion and Risk in Climate Adaptation: U.S. Water, Drought and Agricultural Law'
Rosemary Lyster (2013), 'Towards a Global Justice Vision for Climate Law in a Time of "Unreason"
Daniel Bodansky (2010), 'Introduction: Climate Change and Human Rights: Unpacking the Issues'
Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner and Randall S. Abate (2013), 'International and Domestic Law Dimensions of Climate Justice for Arctic Indigenous Peoples'
Mariya Gromilova (2014), 'Revisiting Planned Relocation as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: The Added Value of a Human Rights-Based Approach'
Richard S.J. Tol and Roda Verheyen (2004), 'State Responsibility and Compensation for Climate Change Damage
A Legal and Economic Assessment'
Christina Voigt (2011), 'State Responsibility for Climate Change Damages'
Michael G. Faure and André Nollkaemper (2007), 'International Liability as an Instrument to Prevent and Compensate for Climate Change'
Jacqueline Peel (2011), 'Issues in Climate Change Litigation'
Brian J. Preston (2011), 'Climate Change Litigation (Part 1)'
Brian J. Preston (2011), 'Climate Change Litigation (Part 2)'
Christina Ross, Evan Mills and Sean B. Hecht (2007), 'Limiting Liability in the Greenhouse: Insurance Risk-Management Strategies in the Context of Global Climate Change'
Mark Byrne (2010), 'Climate Crime: Can Responsibility for Climate Change Damage be Criminalised?'
Jesse Reynolds (2011), 'The Regulation of Climate Engineering'
Tuomas Kuokkanen and Yulia Yamineva (2013), 'Regulating Geoengineering in International Environmental Law'
Jesse L. Reynolds and Floor Fleurke (2013), 'Climate Engineering Research: A Precautionary Response to Climate Change?'
Harro van Asselt, Francesco Sindico and Michael A. Mehling (2008), 'Global Climate Change and the Fragmentation of International Law'
William Boyd (2010), 'Climate Change, Fragmentation, and the Challenges of Global Environmental Law: Elements of a Post-Copenhagen Assemblage'
Jacqueline Peel, Lee Godden and Rodney J. Keenan (2012), 'Climate Change Law in an Era of Multi-Level Governance'
Joanne Scott (2011), 'The Multi-Level Governance of Climate Change'
Charlotte Streck (2012), Innovativeness and Paralysis in International Climate Policy'
Rowena Maguire (2013), 'The Role of Common but Differentiated Responsibility in the 2020 Climate Regime'
Meinhard Doelle (2010), 'Early Experience with the Kyoto Compliance System: Possible Lessons for MEA Compliance System Design'
Darragh Conway (2010), 'The United Nations Security Council and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities'
Neil Gunningham (2012), 'Confronting the Challenge of Energy Governance'
Javier de Cendra de Larragán (2010), 'From the EU ETS to a Global Carbon Market: An Analysis and Suggestions for the Way Forward'
Michael Mehling (2012), 'Between Twilight and Renaissance: Changing Prospects for the Carbon Market'
Stefan E. Weishaar and Edwin Woerdman (2012), 'Auctioning EU ETS Allowances: An Assessment of Market Manipulation from the Perspective of Law and Economics'
Marjan Peeters (2006), 'Inspection and Market-based Regulation through Emissions Trading: The Striking Reliance on Self-monitoring, Self-reporting and Verification'
Kirsten H. Engel (20006), 'Mitigating Global Climate Change in the United States: A Regional Approach'
Bo Kong and Carla Freeman (2013), 'Making Sense of Carbon Market Development in China'
Jonathan S. Masur and Eric A. Posner (2011), 'Climate Regulation and the Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis'
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and David M. Uhlmann (2009), 'Combating Global Climate Change: Why a Carbon Tax Is a Better Response to Global Warming Than Cap and Trade'
Kateryna Holzer and Nashina Shariff (2012), 'The Inclusion of Border Carbon Adjustments in Preferential Trade Agreements: Policy Implications'
Cameron Hutchison (2006), 'Does TRIPS Facilitate or Impede Climate Change Technology Transfer into Developing Countries?'
Rafael Leal-Arcas (2012), 'Unilateral Trade-related Climate Change Measures'
Felix Ekardt, Bettina Hennig and Hartwig von Bredow (2011), 'Land Use, Climate Change and Emissions Trading'
Maosheng Duan (2011), 'Reform of the Clean Development Mechanism: Where Should We Head For?'
Nicola Durrant (2011), 'Legal Issues in Carbon Farming: Biosequestration, Carbon Pricing, and Carbon Rights'
Annecoos Wiersema (2014), 'Climate Change, Forests, and International Law: REDD's Descent into Irrelevance'
J.B. Ruhl (2010), 'Climate Change Adaptation and the Structural Transformation of Environmental Law'
Robin Kundis Craig (2010), '"Stationarity is Dead" - Long Live Transformation: Five Principles for Climate Change Adaptation Law'
Edna Sussman, David C. Major, Rachel Deming, Pamela R. Esterman, Adeeb Fadil, Amy Fisher, Fred Fucci, Roberta Gordon, Caroline Harris, J. Kevin Healy, Cullen Howe, Kathy Robb and Jeff Smith (2010), 'Climate Change Adaptation: Fostering Progress through Law and Regulation'
Alexis Saba, Michela Biasutti, Michael B. Gerrard and David B. Lobell (2013), 'Getting Ahead of the Curve: Supporting Adaptation to Long-term Climate Change and Short-term Climate Variability Alike'
Peter P.J. Driessen and Helena F.M.W. van Rijswick (2011), 'Normative Aspects of Climate Adaptation Policies'
Britta Horstmann and Achala Chandani Abeysinghe (2011), 'The Adaptation Fund of the Kyoto Protocol: A Model for Financing Adaptation to Climate Change?'
Jonathan Verschuuren and Jan McDonald (2012), 'Towards a Legal Framework for Coastal Adaptation: Assessing the First steps in Europe and Australia'
Gabriel Eckstein (2009), 'Water Scarcity, Conflict, and Security in a Climate Change World: Challenges and Opportunities for International Law and Policy'
Heleen-Lydeke P. Mees and Peter P.J. Driessen (2011), 'Adaptation to Climate Change in Urban Areas: Climate-Greening London, Rotterdam, and Toronto'
Magali Dreyfus (2013), 'Are Cities a Relevant Scale of Action to Tackle Climate Change?: Some Reflections to Inform the Debate on the Post-2020 Regime'
Patricia E. Salkin (2009), 'Sustainability and Land Use Planning: Greening State and Local Land Use Plans and Regulations to Address Climate Change Challenges and Preserve Resources for Future Generations'
Arie Trouwborst (2011), 'Conserving European Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: The Bern Convention, the European Union Birds and Habitats Directives and the Adaptation of Nature to Climate Change'
Carmen G. Gonzalez (2011), 'Climate Change, Food Security, and Agrobiodiversity: Toward a Just, Resilient, and Sustainable Food System'
Robert W. Adler (2012), 'Balancing Compassion and Risk in Climate Adaptation: U.S. Water, Drought and Agricultural Law'
Rosemary Lyster (2013), 'Towards a Global Justice Vision for Climate Law in a Time of "Unreason"
Daniel Bodansky (2010), 'Introduction: Climate Change and Human Rights: Unpacking the Issues'
Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner and Randall S. Abate (2013), 'International and Domestic Law Dimensions of Climate Justice for Arctic Indigenous Peoples'
Mariya Gromilova (2014), 'Revisiting Planned Relocation as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: The Added Value of a Human Rights-Based Approach'
Richard S.J. Tol and Roda Verheyen (2004), 'State Responsibility and Compensation for Climate Change Damage
A Legal and Economic Assessment'
Christina Voigt (2011), 'State Responsibility for Climate Change Damages'
Michael G. Faure and André Nollkaemper (2007), 'International Liability as an Instrument to Prevent and Compensate for Climate Change'
Jacqueline Peel (2011), 'Issues in Climate Change Litigation'
Brian J. Preston (2011), 'Climate Change Litigation (Part 1)'
Brian J. Preston (2011), 'Climate Change Litigation (Part 2)'
Christina Ross, Evan Mills and Sean B. Hecht (2007), 'Limiting Liability in the Greenhouse: Insurance Risk-Management Strategies in the Context of Global Climate Change'
Mark Byrne (2010), 'Climate Crime: Can Responsibility for Climate Change Damage be Criminalised?'
Jesse Reynolds (2011), 'The Regulation of Climate Engineering'
Tuomas Kuokkanen and Yulia Yamineva (2013), 'Regulating Geoengineering in International Environmental Law'
Jesse L. Reynolds and Floor Fleurke (2013), 'Climate Engineering Research: A Precautionary Response to Climate Change?'
This research review identifies several of the most important and influential journal articles and papers in the broad field of climate law. The editor discusses essential scholarship not just on the international law making process and on mitigation (emissions trading, taxes, the CDM, REDD+, etc.), but also on adaptation (in a wide variety of fields such as sea level rise, water, biodiversity, cities, agriculture etc.), liability, climate justice and human rights, and on climate engineering.
The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings.
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