      recid = {190715},
      author = {Tanase, Takao. and Nottage, Luke. and Wolff, Leon,},
      title = {Community and the law : a critical reassessment of  American liberalism and Japanese modernity /},
      note = {A collection of essays originally published in Japanese in  law journals or as book chapters between 1990 and 2002.},
      abstract = {This important book translates seven landmark essays by  one of Japan's most respected and influential legal  thinkers. While Takao Tanase concedes that law might not  matter as much in Japan as it does in the United States, in  a provocative challenge to socio-legal researchers and  comparative lawyers, he asks: why should it? The issue, he  contends, is not whether law matters to society; it is how  society matters to law.},
      url = {http://lawcat.berkeley.edu/record/190715},
      isbn = {9781849803540},