Research handbook on European social security law / edited by Frans Pennings and Gijsbert Vonk.
Research handbook on European social security law / edited by Frans Pennings and Gijsbert Vonk.
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Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd., 2015.
1 online resource (628 pages).
Research handbooks in European law.
Formatted Contents Note
pt. 1. Human rights and social security
pt. 2. Minimum standards on social security in Europe and the principle of equal treatment
pt. 3. The protection of mobile persons and migrants
pt. 4. European social security law in a global context
pt. 5. The future of European social security law.
pt. 2. Minimum standards on social security in Europe and the principle of equal treatment
pt. 3. The protection of mobile persons and migrants
pt. 4. European social security law in a global context
pt. 5. The future of European social security law.
The Research Handbook on European Social Security Law critically examines the various European dimensions of social security. The collection discusses a wide range of questions and dilemmas ensuing from the present state of European social security law, whilst at the same time identifying future lines of inquiry that are likely to dominate the discourse in the coming years. This Handbook encompasses numerous dimensions of European social security law, including: social security as a human right; standard setting in social security; the protection of mobile persons and migrants; as well as the global context of European social security law. It pays attention to both EU law and to various instruments of the Council of Europe. Throughout the book's chapters prominent experts analyse contemporary debates, discuss new challenges and point out further lines of research. Via this exploration, the Handbook provides a source of inspiration for the development of this special field of law. Covering a breadth of topic and research, scholars and practitioners alike will find this Research Handbook to be an invaluable source of information.
Includes index.
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9781782547334 e-book
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