Police corruption : essential readings / Leslie Holmes.
Police corruption : essential readings / Leslie Holmes.
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Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd., 2014.
1 online resource (1 volumes) ; cm.
Formatted Contents Note
Recommended readings (Machine generated): Barker, T. and D. Carter (1990), '"Fluffing Up the Evidence and Covering Your Ass": Some Conceptual Notes on Police Lying', Deviant Behavior, 11 (1), 61-73
Bayley, D. (1994), Police for the Future, New York: Oxford University Press
Coleman, S. (1998), 'Would You Like a Coffee? Slippery Slopes, Gratuities and Corruption in Police Work', Professional Ethics, 6 (3-4), 107-22
Conway, V. (2010), The Blue Wall of Silence: The Morris Tribunal and Police Accountability in Ireland, Dublin: Irish Academic Press
Gilley, B. (2009), The Right to Rule: How States Win and Lose Legitimacy, New York: Columbia University Press
Hardoon, D. and F. Heinrich (2013), Global Corruption Barometer 2013, Berlin: Transparency International
Heidenheimer, A. (1970), 'Introduction', in A. Heidenheimer (ed.), Political Corruption, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp. 3-28
Kutnjak Ivković, S. (2005), Fallen Blue Knights: Controlling Police Corruption, New York: Oxford University Press
Klockars, C., S. Kutnjak Ivkovich, W. Harver and M. Haberfeld (2000), The Measurement of Police Integrity, Washington DC: National Institute of Justice
Miller, J. (2003), Police Corruption in England and Wales: An Assessment of Current Evidence, London: Home Office, Home Office Online Report 11/03
Nolan, T. (2009), 'Behind the Blue Wall of Silence', Men and Masculinities, 12 (2), 250-57
Philp, M. (1997), 'Defining Political Corruption', Political Studies, 45 (3), 436-62
Punch, M. (1985), Conduct Unbecoming, London: Tavistock
Punch, M. (2010), 'Police Corruption: Apples, Barrels and Orchards', Criminal Justice Matters, 79 (1), 10-12
Quah, Jon (1994-5), 'Controlling Corruption in City-States: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Singapore', Crime, Law and Social Change, 22 (4), 391-414
Quah, Jon (2011), Curbing Corruption in Asian Countries: An Impossible Dream?, Bingley: Emerald
Riaño, J. with R. Hodess and A. Evans (2009), Global Corruption Report 2009, Berlin: Transparency International
Satarov, G. (2001), 'Corruption, Western and Russian', in Yu. Senokosov and E. Skidelsky (eds), 'Corruption in Russia', Russia on Russia, Issue 4, Moscow: Moscow School of Political Studies and Social Market Foundation, pp. 5-11
Slobogin, C. (1996), 'Testilying: Police Perjury and What to Do About It', University of Colorado Law Review, 67 (4), 1037-60.
Uslaner, E. (2005), 'Trust and Corruption', in J. Graf Lambsdorff, M. Taube and M. Schramm (eds), The New Institutional Economics of Corruption, London: Routledge, pp. 76-92
Maurice Punch (2009), 'What is Corruption?', in Police Corruption: Exploring Police Deviance and Crime, Chapter 2, Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing, 18-52, reset
Taleh Sayed and David Bruce (1998), 'Police Corruption: Towards a Working Definition', African Security Review, 7 (1), 3-14
John Kleinig (1996), 'Gratuities and Corruption', in The Ethics of Policing, Chapter 9, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 163-87, 308-313
Ronald Weitzer (2002), 'Incidents of Police Misconduct and Public Opinion', Journal of Criminal Justice, 30 (5), September-October, 397-408
L.W.J.C. (Leo) Huberts, M. (Muel) Kaptein and K. (Karin) Lasthuizen (2007), 'A Study of the Impact of Three Leadership Styles on Integrity Violations Committed by Police Officers', Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 30 (4), 587-607
Justice Tankebe (2010), 'Public Confidence in the Police: Testing the Effects of Public Experiences of Police Corruption in Ghana', British Journal of Criminology, 50 (2), 296-319
Sanja Kutnjak Ivković (2005), 'Police (Mis)behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study of Corruption Seriousness', Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 28 (3), 546-66
Adrian Beck and Ruth Lee (2002), 'Attitudes to Corruption amongst Russian Police Officers and Trainees', Crime, Law and Social Change, 38 (4), December, 357-72
In Soo Son and Dennis M. Rome (2004), 'The Prevalence and Visibility of Police Misconduct: A Survey of Citizens and Police Officers', Police Quarterly, 7 (2), June, 179-204
Joel Miller (2003), 'Contemporary Police Corruption', Police Corruption in England and Wales: An Assessment of Current Evidence, Home Office Online Report 11/03, Chapter 2, London, UK: Home Office, 6-17, references
Maurice Punch (2009), 'The US: From Pad to Crew', in Police Corruption: Exploring Police Deviance and Crime, Chapter 3, Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing, 53-92, reset
Theodore P. Gerber and Sarah E. Mendelson (2008), 'Public Experiences of Police Violence and Corruption in Contemporary Russia: A Case of Predatory Policing?', Law and Society Review, 42 (1), 1-43
Elaine Jeffreys (2010), 'Exposing Police Corruption and Malfeasance: China's Virgin Prostitute Cases', China Journal, (63), January, 127-49
Jerome H. Skolnick (2002), 'Corruption and the Blue Code of Silence', Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 3 (1), 7-19
Andrew Goldsmith (1990), 'Taking Police Culture Seriously: Police Discretion and the Limits of Law', Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 1 (2), 91-114, reset
Janet Chan (1996), 'Changing Police Culture', British Journal of Criminology, 36 (1), Winter, 109-34
Jerome H. Skolnick (2008), 'Enduring Issues of Police Culture and Demographics', Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 18 (1), March, 35-45
Marilyn Corsianos (2012), 'The Role of the Masculinist Police Culture in Police Corruption', in The Complexities of Police Corruption: Gender, Identity, and Misconduct, Chapter Three, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 59-100, references.
John Crank, Dan Flaherty and Andrew Giacomazzi (2007), 'The Noble Cause: An Empirical Assessment', Journal of Criminal Justice, 35 (1), 103-16
Lawrence W. Sherman (1974), 'Introduction: Toward a Sociological Theory of Police Corruption', in L.W. Sherman (ed.), Police Corruption: A Sociological Perspective, New York, NY: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1-39, reset
Tim Newburn (1999), 'The Causes of Police Corruption', in Understanding and Preventing Police Corruption: Lessons from the Literature, Chapter 3, London, UK: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate; Policing and Reducing Crime Unit: Police Research Series, 14-27, references
Hubert Williams (2002), 'Core Factors of Police Corruption across the World', Forum on Crime and Society, 2 (1), December, 85-99
Louise E. Porter and Celia Warrender (2009), 'A Multivariate Model of Police Deviance: Examining the Nature of Corruption, Crime and Misconduct', Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 19 (1), March, 79-99
Kam C. Wong (1998), 'A Reflection on Police Abuse of Power in the People's Republic of China', Police Quarterly, 1 (2), 87-112
Tim Prenzler (2011), 'The Evolution of Police Oversight in Australia', Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 21 (3), September, 284-303
Jon Moran (2002), 'Anti-Corruption Reforms in the Police: Current Strategies and Issues', Police Journal, 75 (2), 137-59
Jon S.T. Quah (2006), 'Preventing Police Corruption in Singapore: The Role of Recruitment, Training and Socialisation', Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 28 (1), June, 59-75
Matthew Devlin (2010), 'Seizing the Reform Moment: Rebuilding Georgia's Police, 2004-2006', Innovations for Successful Societies, Princeton University, at http://www.princeton.edu/successfulsocieties, accessed 9 June 2013, 1-11
Jinhua Cheng (2009), 'Police Corruption Control in Hong Kong and New York City: A Dilemma of Checks and Balances in Combating Corruption', BYU Journal of Public Law, 23 (2), Winter, 185-220
David Bayley and Robert Perito (2011), 'Police Corruption: What Past Scandals Teach about Current Challenges', 'Appendix A', 'Appendix B' and 'Notes', Special Report 294, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 1-13, 15-16, 17, 19.
Bayley, D. (1994), Police for the Future, New York: Oxford University Press
Coleman, S. (1998), 'Would You Like a Coffee? Slippery Slopes, Gratuities and Corruption in Police Work', Professional Ethics, 6 (3-4), 107-22
Conway, V. (2010), The Blue Wall of Silence: The Morris Tribunal and Police Accountability in Ireland, Dublin: Irish Academic Press
Gilley, B. (2009), The Right to Rule: How States Win and Lose Legitimacy, New York: Columbia University Press
Hardoon, D. and F. Heinrich (2013), Global Corruption Barometer 2013, Berlin: Transparency International
Heidenheimer, A. (1970), 'Introduction', in A. Heidenheimer (ed.), Political Corruption, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp. 3-28
Kutnjak Ivković, S. (2005), Fallen Blue Knights: Controlling Police Corruption, New York: Oxford University Press
Klockars, C., S. Kutnjak Ivkovich, W. Harver and M. Haberfeld (2000), The Measurement of Police Integrity, Washington DC: National Institute of Justice
Miller, J. (2003), Police Corruption in England and Wales: An Assessment of Current Evidence, London: Home Office, Home Office Online Report 11/03
Nolan, T. (2009), 'Behind the Blue Wall of Silence', Men and Masculinities, 12 (2), 250-57
Philp, M. (1997), 'Defining Political Corruption', Political Studies, 45 (3), 436-62
Punch, M. (1985), Conduct Unbecoming, London: Tavistock
Punch, M. (2010), 'Police Corruption: Apples, Barrels and Orchards', Criminal Justice Matters, 79 (1), 10-12
Quah, Jon (1994-5), 'Controlling Corruption in City-States: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Singapore', Crime, Law and Social Change, 22 (4), 391-414
Quah, Jon (2011), Curbing Corruption in Asian Countries: An Impossible Dream?, Bingley: Emerald
Riaño, J. with R. Hodess and A. Evans (2009), Global Corruption Report 2009, Berlin: Transparency International
Satarov, G. (2001), 'Corruption, Western and Russian', in Yu. Senokosov and E. Skidelsky (eds), 'Corruption in Russia', Russia on Russia, Issue 4, Moscow: Moscow School of Political Studies and Social Market Foundation, pp. 5-11
Slobogin, C. (1996), 'Testilying: Police Perjury and What to Do About It', University of Colorado Law Review, 67 (4), 1037-60.
Uslaner, E. (2005), 'Trust and Corruption', in J. Graf Lambsdorff, M. Taube and M. Schramm (eds), The New Institutional Economics of Corruption, London: Routledge, pp. 76-92
Maurice Punch (2009), 'What is Corruption?', in Police Corruption: Exploring Police Deviance and Crime, Chapter 2, Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing, 18-52, reset
Taleh Sayed and David Bruce (1998), 'Police Corruption: Towards a Working Definition', African Security Review, 7 (1), 3-14
John Kleinig (1996), 'Gratuities and Corruption', in The Ethics of Policing, Chapter 9, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 163-87, 308-313
Ronald Weitzer (2002), 'Incidents of Police Misconduct and Public Opinion', Journal of Criminal Justice, 30 (5), September-October, 397-408
L.W.J.C. (Leo) Huberts, M. (Muel) Kaptein and K. (Karin) Lasthuizen (2007), 'A Study of the Impact of Three Leadership Styles on Integrity Violations Committed by Police Officers', Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 30 (4), 587-607
Justice Tankebe (2010), 'Public Confidence in the Police: Testing the Effects of Public Experiences of Police Corruption in Ghana', British Journal of Criminology, 50 (2), 296-319
Sanja Kutnjak Ivković (2005), 'Police (Mis)behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study of Corruption Seriousness', Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 28 (3), 546-66
Adrian Beck and Ruth Lee (2002), 'Attitudes to Corruption amongst Russian Police Officers and Trainees', Crime, Law and Social Change, 38 (4), December, 357-72
In Soo Son and Dennis M. Rome (2004), 'The Prevalence and Visibility of Police Misconduct: A Survey of Citizens and Police Officers', Police Quarterly, 7 (2), June, 179-204
Joel Miller (2003), 'Contemporary Police Corruption', Police Corruption in England and Wales: An Assessment of Current Evidence, Home Office Online Report 11/03, Chapter 2, London, UK: Home Office, 6-17, references
Maurice Punch (2009), 'The US: From Pad to Crew', in Police Corruption: Exploring Police Deviance and Crime, Chapter 3, Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing, 53-92, reset
Theodore P. Gerber and Sarah E. Mendelson (2008), 'Public Experiences of Police Violence and Corruption in Contemporary Russia: A Case of Predatory Policing?', Law and Society Review, 42 (1), 1-43
Elaine Jeffreys (2010), 'Exposing Police Corruption and Malfeasance: China's Virgin Prostitute Cases', China Journal, (63), January, 127-49
Jerome H. Skolnick (2002), 'Corruption and the Blue Code of Silence', Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 3 (1), 7-19
Andrew Goldsmith (1990), 'Taking Police Culture Seriously: Police Discretion and the Limits of Law', Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 1 (2), 91-114, reset
Janet Chan (1996), 'Changing Police Culture', British Journal of Criminology, 36 (1), Winter, 109-34
Jerome H. Skolnick (2008), 'Enduring Issues of Police Culture and Demographics', Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 18 (1), March, 35-45
Marilyn Corsianos (2012), 'The Role of the Masculinist Police Culture in Police Corruption', in The Complexities of Police Corruption: Gender, Identity, and Misconduct, Chapter Three, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 59-100, references.
John Crank, Dan Flaherty and Andrew Giacomazzi (2007), 'The Noble Cause: An Empirical Assessment', Journal of Criminal Justice, 35 (1), 103-16
Lawrence W. Sherman (1974), 'Introduction: Toward a Sociological Theory of Police Corruption', in L.W. Sherman (ed.), Police Corruption: A Sociological Perspective, New York, NY: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1-39, reset
Tim Newburn (1999), 'The Causes of Police Corruption', in Understanding and Preventing Police Corruption: Lessons from the Literature, Chapter 3, London, UK: Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate; Policing and Reducing Crime Unit: Police Research Series, 14-27, references
Hubert Williams (2002), 'Core Factors of Police Corruption across the World', Forum on Crime and Society, 2 (1), December, 85-99
Louise E. Porter and Celia Warrender (2009), 'A Multivariate Model of Police Deviance: Examining the Nature of Corruption, Crime and Misconduct', Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 19 (1), March, 79-99
Kam C. Wong (1998), 'A Reflection on Police Abuse of Power in the People's Republic of China', Police Quarterly, 1 (2), 87-112
Tim Prenzler (2011), 'The Evolution of Police Oversight in Australia', Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 21 (3), September, 284-303
Jon Moran (2002), 'Anti-Corruption Reforms in the Police: Current Strategies and Issues', Police Journal, 75 (2), 137-59
Jon S.T. Quah (2006), 'Preventing Police Corruption in Singapore: The Role of Recruitment, Training and Socialisation', Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 28 (1), June, 59-75
Matthew Devlin (2010), 'Seizing the Reform Moment: Rebuilding Georgia's Police, 2004-2006', Innovations for Successful Societies, Princeton University, at http://www.princeton.edu/successfulsocieties, accessed 9 June 2013, 1-11
Jinhua Cheng (2009), 'Police Corruption Control in Hong Kong and New York City: A Dilemma of Checks and Balances in Combating Corruption', BYU Journal of Public Law, 23 (2), Winter, 185-220
David Bayley and Robert Perito (2011), 'Police Corruption: What Past Scandals Teach about Current Challenges', 'Appendix A', 'Appendix B' and 'Notes', Special Report 294, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 1-13, 15-16, 17, 19.
Police corruption is unquestionably one of the worst forms of corruption, as it can become a serious security issue and undermine a state's legitimacy. This research review brings together the most informative scholarly and practitioner contributions on the subject in recent decades. It covers major aspects of police corruption, including its significance and impact, public perceptions, the causes of corruption and the problem of police culture. It details the situation in selected countries, and explores how and with what success they have addressed the problem.
The recommended readings are available in the print version, or may be available via the link to your library's holdings.
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