Comparative criminal procedure / edited by Jacqueline E. Ross, Stephen C. Thaman.
K5401 .C658 2016 (Mapit)
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Comparative criminal procedure / edited by Jacqueline E. Ross, Stephen C. Thaman.
Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, [2016]
x, 557 pages ; 24 cm.
Research handbooks in comparative law.
Formatted Contents Note
Introduction: mapping dialogue and change in comparative criminal procedure / Jacqueline E. Ross and Stephen C. Thaman
Limits on the search for truth in the criminal procedure: a comparative view / Jenia Iontcheva Turner
Ensuring the factual reliability of criminal convictions: reasoned judgements or a return to formal rules of evidence / Stephen C. Thaman
Anticipatory bail in India: addressing misuse of the criminal justice process? / Vikramaditya S. Khanna and Kartikey Mahajan
Mechanisms for screening prosecutorial charging decisions in the United States and Taiwan / Tzu-te Wen and Andrew D. Leipold
Standards for making factual determinations in arrest and pre-trial detention: a comparative analysis of law and practice / Richard Vogler and Shahrzad Fouladvand
Procedural economy in pre-trial procedure: developments in Germany and the United States / Shawn Marie Boyne
From the domestic to the European: an empirical approach to comparative custodial legal advice / Jacqueline S. Hodgson
A comparative perspective on the exclusionary rule in search and seizure cases / Christopher Slobogin
Silence, self-incrimation, and hazards of globalization / Jason Mazzone
Rumba justice and the Spanish jury trial / Elisabetta Grande
Japan's lay judge system / David T. Johnson
The French case for requiring juries to give reasons: safeguarding defendants or guarding the judges? / Mathilde Cohen
Special investigative techniques in post-Soviet states: the divide between preventive policing and criminal investigation / Nikolai Kovalev and Stephen C. Thaman
The emergence of foreign intelligence investigations as alternatives to the criminal process: a view of american counterterrorism surveillance through German lenses / Jacqueline E. Ross
Strength, weakness, or both? On the endurance of the adversarial-inquisitorial systems in comparative criminal procedure / Máximo Langer.
Limits on the search for truth in the criminal procedure: a comparative view / Jenia Iontcheva Turner
Ensuring the factual reliability of criminal convictions: reasoned judgements or a return to formal rules of evidence / Stephen C. Thaman
Anticipatory bail in India: addressing misuse of the criminal justice process? / Vikramaditya S. Khanna and Kartikey Mahajan
Mechanisms for screening prosecutorial charging decisions in the United States and Taiwan / Tzu-te Wen and Andrew D. Leipold
Standards for making factual determinations in arrest and pre-trial detention: a comparative analysis of law and practice / Richard Vogler and Shahrzad Fouladvand
Procedural economy in pre-trial procedure: developments in Germany and the United States / Shawn Marie Boyne
From the domestic to the European: an empirical approach to comparative custodial legal advice / Jacqueline S. Hodgson
A comparative perspective on the exclusionary rule in search and seizure cases / Christopher Slobogin
Silence, self-incrimation, and hazards of globalization / Jason Mazzone
Rumba justice and the Spanish jury trial / Elisabetta Grande
Japan's lay judge system / David T. Johnson
The French case for requiring juries to give reasons: safeguarding defendants or guarding the judges? / Mathilde Cohen
Special investigative techniques in post-Soviet states: the divide between preventive policing and criminal investigation / Nikolai Kovalev and Stephen C. Thaman
The emergence of foreign intelligence investigations as alternatives to the criminal process: a view of american counterterrorism surveillance through German lenses / Jacqueline E. Ross
Strength, weakness, or both? On the endurance of the adversarial-inquisitorial systems in comparative criminal procedure / Máximo Langer.
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K5401 .C658 2016
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