Delivering energy law and policy in the EU and the US : a reader / edited by Raphael J. Heffron and Gavin F.M. Little.
K3981 .D45 2016 (Mapit)
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Delivering energy law and policy in the EU and the US : a reader / edited by Raphael J. Heffron and Gavin F.M. Little.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2016]
lii, 716 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Six Maxims for Informed Energy Analysis and Policy
Ending Subsidies for Fossil Fuel Exploration in a World of Unburnable Carbon
Were North Sea Oil and Gas 'Field Allowances' Subsidies : And Does it Matter?
Renewable Energy Disputes
Using a Legacy Frame to Deliver Energy and Environment Policies
Emergence of EU Energy Law
How to Improve Regulation?
Delivering Energy Networks Security: Economics, Regulation and Policy
The Role of Marketing in Delivering Energy Law and Policy
A Brief History of United States Energy Policy
Applying Innovation Policy to the U.S.
ies and the need to revisit Deutsche Bahn: a proposal to reverse the European stance on EU State aid law and international aviation
RES: Towards a new European policy
Energiewende in Germany: the dawn of a new energy era
What is a sustainable policy? A case for the Energiewende
The Finnish energy policy: fulfilling the EU energy & climate targets with nuclear and renewables
The EU-Russia relationship and the EU Energy Union: from Dependence and Vulnerability towards Competition and a Free Flow
Role of Uncertainty in Energy Investments and Regulation
Energy Security in an Unpredictable World: Making the Case Against State Aid Limitations in Electricity Generation
Delivering a low-carbon electricity system in a liberalised market
A Proposal for Reforming an Electricity Market for a Low-Carbon Economy
The role of the demand-side in electricity
Replacing Fossil Fuel Generation with Renewable Electricity: is Market Integration or Market Circumvention the Way Forward?
Susceptibility of electricity generation to climate variability and change in Europe: a review of literature
The External Dimension of the Cross-Border Electricity Transmission Planning in the EU
Integrating Vehicles and the Electricity Grid to Store and Use Renewable Energy
A Stitch in Time: Could Ireland's Forthcoming White Paper Breathe New Life into Its Brave but Faltering Renewable Electricity Policy?
Recent developments in the Hungarian electricity regulatory framework
Delivering the Revival of Nuclear Power
Energy Policy: The role of nuclear power
Financing New Nuclear Power Stations
UK nuclear new-build plans in the light of international experience
Delivering UK nuclear power in the context of European energy policy: the challenges ahead
Nuclear liability: current issues and work in progress for the future
The Present Status of Nuclear Third-Party Liability and Nuclear Insurance
Small Modular Reactors: the Future or the Swansong of the Nuclear Industry?
Coherent promotion of renewables under a carbon emissions cap
Renewable Energy Policies Change Carbon Emissions Even Under Emissions Trading
The Renewable Trajectory: Avoiding the Temptation of Cheap Oil
Impact of Renewable Portfolio Standards on In-state Renewable Deployment in the US
Renewable Support Policies in Europe: Evaluation of the Push-Pull Framework for Wind and PV in the EU
A View from the Global Wind Industry
The new concept of competitive bidding on photovoltaic in the German Renewable Energy Act 2014
Legal certainty for green energy projects: sure, but at what price? How Belgium needed to review its green energy support system and how variable parameters often provide more legal certainty than fixed parameters
The Future of Hydroelectric Power in the United States: Thinking Small
Hydropower: From past to future uncertainties
Renewable energy production in marine areas and coastal zone: the Norwegian model
The geopolitics of clean energy: re-engaging with Russia through renewable energy cooperation
Talking About Shale in Any Language
The Shale Revolution, Fracking and Regulatory Activity in the US: a Policy Divided
Fractured Systems: A Multiple Policy Proposal for Promoting Safe Shale Gas Delivery in the United States
Preparing Pennsylvania for a Post-Shale Future
The Decline of Coal and the Economic Toll on the Appalachian Region
The EU Network Codes and Prospects of Cross-Border Natural Gas Pipeline Projects
Building the Energy Union: the problem of cross-border gas pipeline interconnections in Baltic, Central, and South-Eastern Europe
Eminent Domain Authority for Upstream Gas Infrastructure: An Alternative Approach
Petroleum Licensing on the UKCS 50 Years On: Problems, Solutions and More Problems?
Greenland Offshore Petroleum Regulation Towards The Blue Arctic
Energy Justice: The Yin and Yang Approach
Sustainable development and energy justice: two agendas combined
Assessing the Justice Implications of Energy Infrastructural Development in the Arctic
Energy Poverty & Affordable Sustainable Energy Technologies (ASETs)
Challenging energy poverty policies: insights from South-Eastern Europe
Policy Changes for Future Proofing Housing Stock
Challenges for health services in identifying which groups are most vulnerable to health impacts of cold homes
Energy, Life, Metabolism and the Food Chain
Energy efficiency and energy demand
Energy demand reduction policy
Demand Response in Wholesale Markets
Perceived effectiveness of different methods of delivering information on energy efficiency
Developing behavioural interventions: Three lessons learned for delivering energy policy
Policy mixes in stimulating energy transitions: the case of UK energy efficiency policy
The Journey of Smart Metering in Great Britain: A Re-visit
Rethinking household energy consumption strategies: the importance of demand and expectations
Financial Incentives for Energy Efficient Appliances
Energy Security and Energy Policy Incoherence
Designing International Trade in Energy Governance for EU Energy Security
NATO and European Energy Security
Genealogy of the current gas security situation in the EU-Ukraine-Russia energy triangle and the role of international law
German Energy Law
Delivering Energy Law and Policy in Malta
Delivering Energy Efficiency Policies in Romania
Energy Law in the Czech Republic: Unbundling CEZ
Delivering Energy Policy Reform in Ukraine: Legal Issues in the Light of European Integration
A systemic approach to renewable electricity technology deployment: The missing link in optimising policy delivery in the UK?
Delivering Energy Policy: Is there need for key changes in the next UK Parliamentary Period
Energy and the State in the Middle East
Delivering Energy Policy in Argentina
The Arctic: Source of energy? Source of conflict? Source of policy innovation
Delivering Energy (Often) Requires Public Consent
Public engagement and low carbon energy transitions: rationales and challenges
Delivering Energy Policy in Ireland: Protest, Dissent and the Rule of Law
National energy policy, locally delivered: the role of cities
Community Energy in the UK
Distributed Energy Resources: Back to the Future and More
Promoting Cost-Effective Distributed Generation: Lessons from the United States
Energy and Climate Policy: Synergies, Conflicts, and Co-Benefits
The Multi-Level System of Global Governance: Opportunities for more Ambitious Climate Strategies
The What, How and Where of Climate Law
Environmental Law and Climate Change
Energy and environment studies: the role of legal scholarship
Overview of the EU climate policy based on the 2030 framework
Climate Policy Instrumentation in Spain
Planning consent and the law of nuisance
Multi-State Endangered Species Act Listings; The Impact to Energy & New Conservation Approaches in the United States
Delivering Energy to the Drylands: Obligations under the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) to Provide Energy, Water and More
Delivering new energy technologies: the military as consumer and innovator
Delivering Energy Policy for Planet Ocean by Investing in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Infrastructure
The necessity of government support for the successful deployment carbon capture and storage
Too little and too late? An evaluation of the regulation of Carbon Capture and Storage as an integral element of a future low carbon energy system
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Readiness Assessment: A Premature Regulatory Requirement?
Value of Energy Storage: The Required Market and Policy Supports
Energy Storage Systems: A Risky Investment to Provide the Required Flexibility for Future Smart Grids
Energy partnership between the European Union and Brazil for the promotion of second generation
Ending Subsidies for Fossil Fuel Exploration in a World of Unburnable Carbon
Were North Sea Oil and Gas 'Field Allowances' Subsidies : And Does it Matter?
Renewable Energy Disputes
Using a Legacy Frame to Deliver Energy and Environment Policies
Emergence of EU Energy Law
How to Improve Regulation?
Delivering Energy Networks Security: Economics, Regulation and Policy
The Role of Marketing in Delivering Energy Law and Policy
A Brief History of United States Energy Policy
Applying Innovation Policy to the U.S.
ies and the need to revisit Deutsche Bahn: a proposal to reverse the European stance on EU State aid law and international aviation
RES: Towards a new European policy
Energiewende in Germany: the dawn of a new energy era
What is a sustainable policy? A case for the Energiewende
The Finnish energy policy: fulfilling the EU energy & climate targets with nuclear and renewables
The EU-Russia relationship and the EU Energy Union: from Dependence and Vulnerability towards Competition and a Free Flow
Role of Uncertainty in Energy Investments and Regulation
Energy Security in an Unpredictable World: Making the Case Against State Aid Limitations in Electricity Generation
Delivering a low-carbon electricity system in a liberalised market
A Proposal for Reforming an Electricity Market for a Low-Carbon Economy
The role of the demand-side in electricity
Replacing Fossil Fuel Generation with Renewable Electricity: is Market Integration or Market Circumvention the Way Forward?
Susceptibility of electricity generation to climate variability and change in Europe: a review of literature
The External Dimension of the Cross-Border Electricity Transmission Planning in the EU
Integrating Vehicles and the Electricity Grid to Store and Use Renewable Energy
A Stitch in Time: Could Ireland's Forthcoming White Paper Breathe New Life into Its Brave but Faltering Renewable Electricity Policy?
Recent developments in the Hungarian electricity regulatory framework
Delivering the Revival of Nuclear Power
Energy Policy: The role of nuclear power
Financing New Nuclear Power Stations
UK nuclear new-build plans in the light of international experience
Delivering UK nuclear power in the context of European energy policy: the challenges ahead
Nuclear liability: current issues and work in progress for the future
The Present Status of Nuclear Third-Party Liability and Nuclear Insurance
Small Modular Reactors: the Future or the Swansong of the Nuclear Industry?
Coherent promotion of renewables under a carbon emissions cap
Renewable Energy Policies Change Carbon Emissions Even Under Emissions Trading
The Renewable Trajectory: Avoiding the Temptation of Cheap Oil
Impact of Renewable Portfolio Standards on In-state Renewable Deployment in the US
Renewable Support Policies in Europe: Evaluation of the Push-Pull Framework for Wind and PV in the EU
A View from the Global Wind Industry
The new concept of competitive bidding on photovoltaic in the German Renewable Energy Act 2014
Legal certainty for green energy projects: sure, but at what price? How Belgium needed to review its green energy support system and how variable parameters often provide more legal certainty than fixed parameters
The Future of Hydroelectric Power in the United States: Thinking Small
Hydropower: From past to future uncertainties
Renewable energy production in marine areas and coastal zone: the Norwegian model
The geopolitics of clean energy: re-engaging with Russia through renewable energy cooperation
Talking About Shale in Any Language
The Shale Revolution, Fracking and Regulatory Activity in the US: a Policy Divided
Fractured Systems: A Multiple Policy Proposal for Promoting Safe Shale Gas Delivery in the United States
Preparing Pennsylvania for a Post-Shale Future
The Decline of Coal and the Economic Toll on the Appalachian Region
The EU Network Codes and Prospects of Cross-Border Natural Gas Pipeline Projects
Building the Energy Union: the problem of cross-border gas pipeline interconnections in Baltic, Central, and South-Eastern Europe
Eminent Domain Authority for Upstream Gas Infrastructure: An Alternative Approach
Petroleum Licensing on the UKCS 50 Years On: Problems, Solutions and More Problems?
Greenland Offshore Petroleum Regulation Towards The Blue Arctic
Energy Justice: The Yin and Yang Approach
Sustainable development and energy justice: two agendas combined
Assessing the Justice Implications of Energy Infrastructural Development in the Arctic
Energy Poverty & Affordable Sustainable Energy Technologies (ASETs)
Challenging energy poverty policies: insights from South-Eastern Europe
Policy Changes for Future Proofing Housing Stock
Challenges for health services in identifying which groups are most vulnerable to health impacts of cold homes
Energy, Life, Metabolism and the Food Chain
Energy efficiency and energy demand
Energy demand reduction policy
Demand Response in Wholesale Markets
Perceived effectiveness of different methods of delivering information on energy efficiency
Developing behavioural interventions: Three lessons learned for delivering energy policy
Policy mixes in stimulating energy transitions: the case of UK energy efficiency policy
The Journey of Smart Metering in Great Britain: A Re-visit
Rethinking household energy consumption strategies: the importance of demand and expectations
Financial Incentives for Energy Efficient Appliances
Energy Security and Energy Policy Incoherence
Designing International Trade in Energy Governance for EU Energy Security
NATO and European Energy Security
Genealogy of the current gas security situation in the EU-Ukraine-Russia energy triangle and the role of international law
German Energy Law
Delivering Energy Law and Policy in Malta
Delivering Energy Efficiency Policies in Romania
Energy Law in the Czech Republic: Unbundling CEZ
Delivering Energy Policy Reform in Ukraine: Legal Issues in the Light of European Integration
A systemic approach to renewable electricity technology deployment: The missing link in optimising policy delivery in the UK?
Delivering Energy Policy: Is there need for key changes in the next UK Parliamentary Period
Energy and the State in the Middle East
Delivering Energy Policy in Argentina
The Arctic: Source of energy? Source of conflict? Source of policy innovation
Delivering Energy (Often) Requires Public Consent
Public engagement and low carbon energy transitions: rationales and challenges
Delivering Energy Policy in Ireland: Protest, Dissent and the Rule of Law
National energy policy, locally delivered: the role of cities
Community Energy in the UK
Distributed Energy Resources: Back to the Future and More
Promoting Cost-Effective Distributed Generation: Lessons from the United States
Energy and Climate Policy: Synergies, Conflicts, and Co-Benefits
The Multi-Level System of Global Governance: Opportunities for more Ambitious Climate Strategies
The What, How and Where of Climate Law
Environmental Law and Climate Change
Energy and environment studies: the role of legal scholarship
Overview of the EU climate policy based on the 2030 framework
Climate Policy Instrumentation in Spain
Planning consent and the law of nuisance
Multi-State Endangered Species Act Listings; The Impact to Energy & New Conservation Approaches in the United States
Delivering Energy to the Drylands: Obligations under the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) to Provide Energy, Water and More
Delivering new energy technologies: the military as consumer and innovator
Delivering Energy Policy for Planet Ocean by Investing in Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Infrastructure
The necessity of government support for the successful deployment carbon capture and storage
Too little and too late? An evaluation of the regulation of Carbon Capture and Storage as an integral element of a future low carbon energy system
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Readiness Assessment: A Premature Regulatory Requirement?
Value of Energy Storage: The Required Market and Policy Supports
Energy Storage Systems: A Risky Investment to Provide the Required Flexibility for Future Smart Grids
Energy partnership between the European Union and Brazil for the promotion of second generation
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Call Number
K3981 .D45 2016
9780748696789 (hardback)
0748696784 (hardback)
9780748696796 (paperback)
0748696792 (paperback)
0748696784 (hardback)
9780748696796 (paperback)
0748696792 (paperback)
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