Research handbook on disasters and international law.
K1980 .R47 2016 (Mapit)
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Research handbook on disasters and international law.
Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016.
xlvii, 548 pages ; 25 cm.
Research handbooks in international law.
Formatted Contents Note
Global capitalism and the crisis of the public interest : sleepwalking into disaster / Christopher Newdick
Closing "the yawning gap"? : international disaster response law at fifteen / Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller
Responses by states / Susan C. Breau
Human rights and natural disasters / Kristian Cedervall Lauta
Adverse human agency and disasters : a role for international criminal law? / Evelyne Schmid
The international humanitarian law framework for humanitarian relief during armed conflicts and complex emergencies / Tilman Rodenhäuser and Gilles Giacca
Disasters, international environmental law and the Anthropocene / Tim Stephens
Sustainable development and disasters / Tahmina Karimova
Disasters and international trade and investment law : state's regulatory autonomy between risk protection and exception justification / Leïla Choukroune
Responses by private corporations / Stefano Silingardi
An evolving role for law and policy in addressing food security before, during and after a disaster / Anastasia Telesetsky
Security implications of conflicts, crises and disasters in the international energy industry : legal and policy considerations / Tade Oyewunmi
Water security / Hà Lê Phan and Inga T. Winkler
Tackling water contamination : development, human rights and disaster risk reduction / Marie Aronsson-Storrier and Haythem Salama
The international law of wildfires / Michael Eburn
Displacement in the context of disasters and adverse effects of climate change / Walter Kälin and Hannah Entwisle Chapuisat
18. The protection of vulnerable groups / Mary Crock
Disasters caused in cyberspace / James A. Green
National contingency planning / Simon Whitbourn
A duty of solidarity?: the International Law Commission's draft articles and the right to offer assistance in disasters / Thérèse O'Donnell and Craig Allan
Building resilience in post-conflict disaster contexts : children and transitional justice / Alison Bisset
Dispute settlement in the aftermath of disasters / Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne.
Closing "the yawning gap"? : international disaster response law at fifteen / Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller
Responses by states / Susan C. Breau
Human rights and natural disasters / Kristian Cedervall Lauta
Adverse human agency and disasters : a role for international criminal law? / Evelyne Schmid
The international humanitarian law framework for humanitarian relief during armed conflicts and complex emergencies / Tilman Rodenhäuser and Gilles Giacca
Disasters, international environmental law and the Anthropocene / Tim Stephens
Sustainable development and disasters / Tahmina Karimova
Disasters and international trade and investment law : state's regulatory autonomy between risk protection and exception justification / Leïla Choukroune
Responses by private corporations / Stefano Silingardi
An evolving role for law and policy in addressing food security before, during and after a disaster / Anastasia Telesetsky
Security implications of conflicts, crises and disasters in the international energy industry : legal and policy considerations / Tade Oyewunmi
Water security / Hà Lê Phan and Inga T. Winkler
Tackling water contamination : development, human rights and disaster risk reduction / Marie Aronsson-Storrier and Haythem Salama
The international law of wildfires / Michael Eburn
Displacement in the context of disasters and adverse effects of climate change / Walter Kälin and Hannah Entwisle Chapuisat
18. The protection of vulnerable groups / Mary Crock
Disasters caused in cyberspace / James A. Green
National contingency planning / Simon Whitbourn
A duty of solidarity?: the International Law Commission's draft articles and the right to offer assistance in disasters / Thérèse O'Donnell and Craig Allan
Building resilience in post-conflict disaster contexts : children and transitional justice / Alison Bisset
Dispute settlement in the aftermath of disasters / Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Call Number
K1980 .R47 2016
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