The Elgar companion to the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda / [edited by] Anne-Marie de Brouwer, Alette Smeulers.
The Elgar companion to the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda / [edited by] Anne-Marie de Brouwer, Alette Smeulers.
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Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Pub., c. 2016.
1 online resource (544 pages) ; cm.
Elgar companions to international courts and tribunals.
Formatted Contents Note
Foreword / by Navanethem Pillay
Introduction / Anne-Marie De Brouwer and Alette Smeulers
Part I establishment and key facts and figures
1. The creation of the ICTR / Helen Hintjens
2. Rwanda and the ICTR: facts and figures / Barbora Holá and Alette Smeulers
Part II substantive law
3. Genocide / Payam Akhavan
4. Crimes against humanity / Valerie Oosterveld
5. War crimes / Felix Mukwiza Ndahinda
6. Sexual violence / Anne-Marie De Brouwer and Usta Kaitesi
7. Individual criminal responsibility / Kai Ambos and Stefanie Bock
Part III procedural law
8. Investigations and case selection / Alex Odora-Obote
9. Arrest and transfer / Christophe Paulussen
10. Trial and appeal processes / George William Mugwanya
11. The evidentiary system / Nancy Amoury Combs
12. The rights of the defence / Caroline Buisman
13. The rights of the victims / Rosette Muzigo-Morrison
14. Sentencing and penalties / Mark A. Drumbl
Part IV achievements and lessons learned
15. The ICTR's elaboration of the core international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes and modes of liability / Justice Hassan Bubacar Jallow
16. Contribution of the ICTR for rwandans / Francois-Xavier Nsanzuwera.
Introduction / Anne-Marie De Brouwer and Alette Smeulers
Part I establishment and key facts and figures
1. The creation of the ICTR / Helen Hintjens
2. Rwanda and the ICTR: facts and figures / Barbora Holá and Alette Smeulers
Part II substantive law
3. Genocide / Payam Akhavan
4. Crimes against humanity / Valerie Oosterveld
5. War crimes / Felix Mukwiza Ndahinda
6. Sexual violence / Anne-Marie De Brouwer and Usta Kaitesi
7. Individual criminal responsibility / Kai Ambos and Stefanie Bock
Part III procedural law
8. Investigations and case selection / Alex Odora-Obote
9. Arrest and transfer / Christophe Paulussen
10. Trial and appeal processes / George William Mugwanya
11. The evidentiary system / Nancy Amoury Combs
12. The rights of the defence / Caroline Buisman
13. The rights of the victims / Rosette Muzigo-Morrison
14. Sentencing and penalties / Mark A. Drumbl
Part IV achievements and lessons learned
15. The ICTR's elaboration of the core international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes and modes of liability / Justice Hassan Bubacar Jallow
16. Contribution of the ICTR for rwandans / Francois-Xavier Nsanzuwera.
The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda is a one-stop reference resource on this complex tribunal, established in the aftermath of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, which closed its doors on 31 December 2015. This Companion provides an insightful account of the workings and legacy of the ICTR in the field of international criminal justice. Surveying and analysing the contributions from different disciplinary angles, the Companion is comprised of four comprehensive parts. It begins with a detailed account of the establishment of the ICTR, covering the setting up of the tribunal, its mandate, structure and personnel. The second part explores substantive law and examines issues such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, sexual violence and modes of liability. The third part discusses procedural law and explores investigation, arrest, trial/appeal, evidence, rights of the accused, rights of victims and sentencing. It concludes with the fourth part, which considers the contribution of the ICTR to international criminal justice, as well as to the lives of Rwandans. An important contribution to the jurisprudence of international criminal courts, the Companion will appeal to academics, students and legal practitioners alike. It will be fascinating reading for anyone interested in international criminal law or the recent history of Rwanda.
Contributors include: P. Akhavan, K. Ambos, S. Bock, C. Buisman, N.A. Combs, A.-M. de Brouwer, M.A. Drumbl, H. Hintjens, B. Holá, H.B. Jallow, U. Kaitesi, G.W. Mugwanya, R. Muzigo-Morrison, F.M. Ndahinda, F.-X. Nsanzuwera, A. Odora-Obote, V. Oosterveld, C. Paulussen, N Pillay, A. Smeulers.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Description based on print record.
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9781784711702 e-book
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