Legal argumentation and the rule of law / edited by E.T Feteris, H. Kloosterhuis, H.J. Plug and C.E. Smith.
K3171.A6 I584 2015 (Mapit)
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Legal argumentation and the rule of law / edited by E.T Feteris, H. Kloosterhuis, H.J. Plug and C.E. Smith.
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The Hague, The Netherlands : Eleven International Publishing, [2016]
Portland, OR : Sold and distributed in USA and Canada [by] International Specialized Book Services.
viii, 229 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Formatted Contents Note
International Conference on Legal Argumentation and the Rule of Law / Sanne Taekema
Legal argumentation and the rule of law / Eveline Feteris, Harm Kloosterhuis, H. José Plug and Carel Smith
Judicial discretion and the rule of law / Damiano Canale and Giovanni Tuzet
The rule of dual-natured law / Matthias Klatt
Prototypical argumentative patterns in the justification of judicial decisions : a pragma-dialectical perspective / Evelin T. Feteris
The legal characterization of facts at the International Criminal Court / Richard Gaskins
The Facebook judge? : how transparency in social media conflicts with the rule of law / Paul van den Hoven
Analogy and e contrario : the facts, pet issues of perpetration, damage and damages / Hendrick Kaptein
The burden of rationality : why and how should the judge justify her decision? / Bart van Klink
Four fallacies about analogical reasoning and the rule of law / Harm Kloosterhuis and Carel Smith
Improving judicial argumentation about evidence in Dutch unus testis cases / Anne Ruth Mackor
Legal argumentation between 'monologue' and 'dialogue' : from the absolute rule to the rule of law / Maurizio Manzin
Fundamental rights and the rule of law : rule of law as argument for interference / Antoinette J. Muntjewerff and Kirsten van Loo
Arguing for certainty in criminal decision-making and the rule of law / Marko Novak
Legislative argument and the rule of law / A. Daniel Oliver-Lalana
Argumentative contributions to the settlement of conflicts in administrative judicial decisions / H. José Plug
Due process and the rule of law : the role of argumentation in the defence of a fair trial / Federico Puppo
Rule of law and legal epistemology / T.F. Eric Tjong Tjin Tai
Rhetorical status theory as an institutional framework for legal discussions / Jean H.M. Wagemans
Debiasing and rule of law / Frank Zenker and Christian Dahlman.
Legal argumentation and the rule of law / Eveline Feteris, Harm Kloosterhuis, H. José Plug and Carel Smith
Judicial discretion and the rule of law / Damiano Canale and Giovanni Tuzet
The rule of dual-natured law / Matthias Klatt
Prototypical argumentative patterns in the justification of judicial decisions : a pragma-dialectical perspective / Evelin T. Feteris
The legal characterization of facts at the International Criminal Court / Richard Gaskins
The Facebook judge? : how transparency in social media conflicts with the rule of law / Paul van den Hoven
Analogy and e contrario : the facts, pet issues of perpetration, damage and damages / Hendrick Kaptein
The burden of rationality : why and how should the judge justify her decision? / Bart van Klink
Four fallacies about analogical reasoning and the rule of law / Harm Kloosterhuis and Carel Smith
Improving judicial argumentation about evidence in Dutch unus testis cases / Anne Ruth Mackor
Legal argumentation between 'monologue' and 'dialogue' : from the absolute rule to the rule of law / Maurizio Manzin
Fundamental rights and the rule of law : rule of law as argument for interference / Antoinette J. Muntjewerff and Kirsten van Loo
Arguing for certainty in criminal decision-making and the rule of law / Marko Novak
Legislative argument and the rule of law / A. Daniel Oliver-Lalana
Argumentative contributions to the settlement of conflicts in administrative judicial decisions / H. José Plug
Due process and the rule of law : the role of argumentation in the defence of a fair trial / Federico Puppo
Rule of law and legal epistemology / T.F. Eric Tjong Tjin Tai
Rhetorical status theory as an institutional framework for legal discussions / Jean H.M. Wagemans
Debiasing and rule of law / Frank Zenker and Christian Dahlman.
"Modern legal systems are characterized by a tension between two commonplaces: the rule of law on the one hand, and the arguable character of law on the other. The rule of law calls for legal certainty, predictability and reasonableness; the argumentative character of law implies room for rational disagreement. In this book, ...scholars come together to offer interdisciplinary approaches to debate this tension and its possible reconciliation. Central in their perspective is that reconciliation is possible when the rule of law also incorporates rules for reason-giving. Reason-giving should be part of a substantive conception of the rule of law. Requiring that legal decision-makers give reasons furthers reasonable outcomes. The analysis of the ideal of rational argumentation and the ideal of the rule of law show how insights of two traditions are connected. This collection of essays includes contributions from law, argumentation theory, logic and philosophical perspectives. This multifaceted approach demonstrates the variety of questions that emerge at the intersection of both commonplaces."-- Back cover.
Selection of papers from the International Conference on Legal Argumentation adn the Rule of Law, held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Law on June 25 & 26, 2015.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographic references.
Available in Other Form
Online version: International Conference on Legal Argumentation and the Rule of Law (2015 : Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) Legal argumentation and the rule of law. The Hague : Eleven International Publishing, [2016]
Call Number
K3171.A6 I584 2015
9789462745971 (ebook)
9789462745971 (ebook)
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