Global constitutionalism 2014 : sources of law and of rights / editor, Judith Resnik.
Global constitutionalism 2014 : sources of law and of rights / editor, Judith Resnik.
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[New Haven] : Yale Law School, 2014.
1 online resource (various pagings)
Formatted Contents Note
I. Surveillance & national security. Constraining the collection of personal data: theories of privacy. Privacy (2012) / Manuel José Cepeda-Espinosa
Microcensus case (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, 1969)
Rotaru v. Romania (European Court of Human Rights, 2000)
Florida v. Jardines (Supreme Court of the United States, 2013)
Google Spain SL, Google Inc. v. Angencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) (European Court of Justice, 2014)
Technologies of surveillance and regimes of righst in an era of big data. Clapper v. Amnesty International USA (Supreme Court of the United States, 2013)
The global panopticon: the reversal of transparency in the anti-terror campaign (part I, 2014) / Kim Lane Scheppele
Report on the telephone records progam conducted under section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and on the Operations of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (part I, 2014)
American Civil Liberties Union v. Clapper (United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, 2013)
Klayman v. Obama (United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 2013)
Report on the telephone records program (part II, 2014)
The White House begs the question on mass surveillance (December 26, 2013) / Bruce Ackerman
Overview of European law on data protection and national security (2014) / Allan Rosas
European Union directive on data retention (2006)
Digital rights Ireland and Seitlinger and others (Court of Justice of the European Union, 2014)
The inter-jurisdictional issues: transnational privacy protection. Interjurisdictional data privacy regimes (2014) / Allan Rosas
The global panopticon (part II, 2014) / Kim Lane Scheppele
Resolution on the US NSA surveillance programme (European Parliament, 2014)
Resolution on 68/167: the right to privacy in the digital age (United Nations, 2013)
II. Religion as a source of law. The stakes of using religious doctrine as a source of law. The origins and the ideals of the secular state. Notes on post-secular society (2008) / Jürgen Habermas
Conflicts between general laws and religious norms (2014) / Dieter Grimm
Adjudication in non-secular states. Shefer v. State of Israel (Supreme Court of Israel, 1993)
Jewish law in Israel: law, religion, and state (2013) / Yuval Sinai
Solodkin v. Beit Shemesh Municipality (Supreme Court of Israel, 2004)
Sharia and national law in Pakistan (2011) / Martin Lau
Freedom of religion and religious minorities in Pakistan (1995) / Tayyab Mahmud
Zaheeruddin v. State (Supreme Court of Pakistan, 1993)
Secular interpretations of religious law: India and the Shah Bano case. Balancing minority rights and gender justice: the impact of multiculturalism on women's rights in India (2005) / Pratibha Jain
Mohammed Admed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum (Supreme Court of India, 1985)
India: implementing sex equality through law (2001) / Martha C. Nussbaum
Feminism and multicultural dilemmas in India: revisting the Shah Bano case (2004) / Siobhán Mullally
Differentiating between religious and secular sources of law. Jones v. Wolf (Supreme Court of the United States, 1979)
Religious marriage contracts in secular courts. Bruker v. Marcovitz (Supreme Court of Canada, 2007)
Minkin v. Minkin (New Jersey Superior Court, 1981)
Aflalo v. Aflalo (New Jersey Superior Court, 1996)
Religious and secular sources of law and accommodatin religions. Constitution of India (1950)
Accommodation in the United States. United States v. Lee (Supreme Court of the United States, 1982)
Employment Division v. Smith (Supreme Court of the United States, 1990)
Legislating religious liberty locally: the possibility of compelling conflicts (2000) / Cheryl Rubenstein
Conscience Wars (2014) / Douglas NeJaime & Reva B. Siegel
Religious Freedom Bill riles gay rights supporters (2014) / Bob Christie
Center for Arizona policy, Religious Freedom Restoration Act: SB 1062 Fact Sheet (2014)
Arizona Senate Bill 1062, amending sections...relating to the free exercise of religion (2014)
Accommodation and proportionality. Christian Education on South Africa v. Minister of Education (Constitutional Court of South Africa, 2000)
R. v. N.S. (Supreme Court of Canada, 2012)
III. Judicial enforcement of international human rights. European convention on human rights. ECtHR seminar background paper, implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: a shared judicial responsibility? (2014)
A cosmopolitan legal order: constitutional pluralism and rights adjudication in Europe (2012) / Alec Stone Sweet
X. v. the Migration Authority of Thurgovia (Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, 2012)
President of the Turkish Constitutional Court, on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the court (April 25, 2014) / Haşim Kiliç
American Convention on Human Rights. Compliance with judgments and decisions
the experience of the Inter-America Court of Human Rights: a reassessment (2014) / Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade
The Radilla Pacheco case, constitutional reform on human rights in Mexico, and consequences of the new framework (2011) / Report prepared by the Supreme Court of Mexico
Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales) et al. v. U.S. (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 2011) / Report on Merits
State Legislature of Colorado, Tribute to Jessica Lenahan (May 7, 2014)
Approaches in Africa. An examination of the use of International Human Rights Law as an interpretative tool in human rights litigation in Ghana and Botswanna (2010) / Emmanuel K. Quansah
A new International Human Rights court for West Africa: the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice (2013) / Karen J. Alter, Laurence R. Helfer & Jacqueline R. McAllister
India. Fostering respect?: the Supreme Court of India's approach to international law: a call for caution (2013) / Aparna Chandra
IV. Equality in democracy: legislatures, courts, and quotas. Formal and substantive equality. R. v. Kapp (Supreme Court of Canada, 2008)
Groups and the equal protection clause (1976) / Owen Fiss
Employment: positive action for women. Georg Badeck & others (European Court of Justice, 2000)
The body politic: electroal lists. Decision No. 82-146 of 18 November 1982 (Constitutional Council of France, 1982)
The gender of representation: on democracy, equality, and parity (2008) / Blanca Rodríguez-Ruiz & Ruth Rubio-Marín
A transnational re-evaluation (2013) / Julie C. Suk
Electoral gender quotas case (Constituional Court of Spain, 2008)
The judiciary. Advisory opinion on certain legal questions concerning the lists of candidates submitted with a view to the election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights (European Court of Human Rights, 2008)
Special law modifying the Law of 6 January 1989 on the Constitutional Court (Belgium, April 4, 2014)
Representing what? Women, judges, and equality (2013) / Judith Resnik
Education: race, ethnicity, caste, class, and the creamy layer. Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. Union of India (Supreme Court of India, 2008)
From colorblindness to antibalkanization: an emerging ground of decision in race equality cases (2011) / Reva Siegel
Grutter v. Bollinger (Supreme Court of the United States, 2013)
The French ten percent plan. Act No. 2013-660 of 22 July 2013 on higher education and research (France, 2013)
The rise of indirect affirmative action: converging strategies for promoting "diversity" in selective institutions of higher education in the United States and France (2011) / Daniel Sabbagh
Reading A K Thakur vs. Union of India: legal effect and significance (2008) / Sudhir Krishnaswamy and Madhav Khosla
Continuing conflicts over positive action. Michigan Constitution, Art. 1 § 26
Schuette v.
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, integration and immigration on rights and fight for equality by any means necessary (BAMN) (Supreme Court of the United States, 2014)
V. Constitutional constraints on the power to punish. Limiting the authority to punish. The right to hope. Life imprisonment case (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, 1977)
Vinter and Other v. the United Kingdom (European Court of Human Rights, 2013)
Whole life sentences and the tide of European human rights jurisprudence: what is to be done? (2014) / Dirk van Zyl Smit, Pete Weatherby & Simon Creighton
R. v. Ian McLoughlin (United Kingdom Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, 2014)
The relevance of age, parenting, and culpability. Miller v. Alabama (Supreme Court of the United States, 2012)
R. v. D.B. (Supreme Court of Canada, 2008)
Prosecutor v. Plavšić (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 2003)
United States v. Angelos (United States District Court for the District of Utah, 2004)
S v. M (Constitutional Court of South Africa, 2007)
President of the Republic of South Africa and Another v. Hugo (Constitutional Court of South Africa, 1997)
Structuring sentencing decision-making and allocating the authority to sentence. Constraints on the kind, quality, and range of information to be considered. United States v. Watts (Supreme Court of the United States, 1997)
R v. Angelillo (Supreme Court of Canada, 2006)
Is sentencing a "judicial" or a "legislative" function? Kable v. Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) (Federal Court of Australia, 1996)
United States v. Mistretta (Supreme Court of the United States, 1989)
Microcensus case (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, 1969)
Rotaru v. Romania (European Court of Human Rights, 2000)
Florida v. Jardines (Supreme Court of the United States, 2013)
Google Spain SL, Google Inc. v. Angencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) (European Court of Justice, 2014)
Technologies of surveillance and regimes of righst in an era of big data. Clapper v. Amnesty International USA (Supreme Court of the United States, 2013)
The global panopticon: the reversal of transparency in the anti-terror campaign (part I, 2014) / Kim Lane Scheppele
Report on the telephone records progam conducted under section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and on the Operations of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (part I, 2014)
American Civil Liberties Union v. Clapper (United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, 2013)
Klayman v. Obama (United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 2013)
Report on the telephone records program (part II, 2014)
The White House begs the question on mass surveillance (December 26, 2013) / Bruce Ackerman
Overview of European law on data protection and national security (2014) / Allan Rosas
European Union directive on data retention (2006)
Digital rights Ireland and Seitlinger and others (Court of Justice of the European Union, 2014)
The inter-jurisdictional issues: transnational privacy protection. Interjurisdictional data privacy regimes (2014) / Allan Rosas
The global panopticon (part II, 2014) / Kim Lane Scheppele
Resolution on the US NSA surveillance programme (European Parliament, 2014)
Resolution on 68/167: the right to privacy in the digital age (United Nations, 2013)
II. Religion as a source of law. The stakes of using religious doctrine as a source of law. The origins and the ideals of the secular state. Notes on post-secular society (2008) / Jürgen Habermas
Conflicts between general laws and religious norms (2014) / Dieter Grimm
Adjudication in non-secular states. Shefer v. State of Israel (Supreme Court of Israel, 1993)
Jewish law in Israel: law, religion, and state (2013) / Yuval Sinai
Solodkin v. Beit Shemesh Municipality (Supreme Court of Israel, 2004)
Sharia and national law in Pakistan (2011) / Martin Lau
Freedom of religion and religious minorities in Pakistan (1995) / Tayyab Mahmud
Zaheeruddin v. State (Supreme Court of Pakistan, 1993)
Secular interpretations of religious law: India and the Shah Bano case. Balancing minority rights and gender justice: the impact of multiculturalism on women's rights in India (2005) / Pratibha Jain
Mohammed Admed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum (Supreme Court of India, 1985)
India: implementing sex equality through law (2001) / Martha C. Nussbaum
Feminism and multicultural dilemmas in India: revisting the Shah Bano case (2004) / Siobhán Mullally
Differentiating between religious and secular sources of law. Jones v. Wolf (Supreme Court of the United States, 1979)
Religious marriage contracts in secular courts. Bruker v. Marcovitz (Supreme Court of Canada, 2007)
Minkin v. Minkin (New Jersey Superior Court, 1981)
Aflalo v. Aflalo (New Jersey Superior Court, 1996)
Religious and secular sources of law and accommodatin religions. Constitution of India (1950)
Accommodation in the United States. United States v. Lee (Supreme Court of the United States, 1982)
Employment Division v. Smith (Supreme Court of the United States, 1990)
Legislating religious liberty locally: the possibility of compelling conflicts (2000) / Cheryl Rubenstein
Conscience Wars (2014) / Douglas NeJaime & Reva B. Siegel
Religious Freedom Bill riles gay rights supporters (2014) / Bob Christie
Center for Arizona policy, Religious Freedom Restoration Act: SB 1062 Fact Sheet (2014)
Arizona Senate Bill 1062, amending sections...relating to the free exercise of religion (2014)
Accommodation and proportionality. Christian Education on South Africa v. Minister of Education (Constitutional Court of South Africa, 2000)
R. v. N.S. (Supreme Court of Canada, 2012)
III. Judicial enforcement of international human rights. European convention on human rights. ECtHR seminar background paper, implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: a shared judicial responsibility? (2014)
A cosmopolitan legal order: constitutional pluralism and rights adjudication in Europe (2012) / Alec Stone Sweet
X. v. the Migration Authority of Thurgovia (Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, 2012)
President of the Turkish Constitutional Court, on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the court (April 25, 2014) / Haşim Kiliç
American Convention on Human Rights. Compliance with judgments and decisions
the experience of the Inter-America Court of Human Rights: a reassessment (2014) / Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade
The Radilla Pacheco case, constitutional reform on human rights in Mexico, and consequences of the new framework (2011) / Report prepared by the Supreme Court of Mexico
Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales) et al. v. U.S. (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 2011) / Report on Merits
State Legislature of Colorado, Tribute to Jessica Lenahan (May 7, 2014)
Approaches in Africa. An examination of the use of International Human Rights Law as an interpretative tool in human rights litigation in Ghana and Botswanna (2010) / Emmanuel K. Quansah
A new International Human Rights court for West Africa: the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice (2013) / Karen J. Alter, Laurence R. Helfer & Jacqueline R. McAllister
India. Fostering respect?: the Supreme Court of India's approach to international law: a call for caution (2013) / Aparna Chandra
IV. Equality in democracy: legislatures, courts, and quotas. Formal and substantive equality. R. v. Kapp (Supreme Court of Canada, 2008)
Groups and the equal protection clause (1976) / Owen Fiss
Employment: positive action for women. Georg Badeck & others (European Court of Justice, 2000)
The body politic: electroal lists. Decision No. 82-146 of 18 November 1982 (Constitutional Council of France, 1982)
The gender of representation: on democracy, equality, and parity (2008) / Blanca Rodríguez-Ruiz & Ruth Rubio-Marín
A transnational re-evaluation (2013) / Julie C. Suk
Electoral gender quotas case (Constituional Court of Spain, 2008)
The judiciary. Advisory opinion on certain legal questions concerning the lists of candidates submitted with a view to the election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights (European Court of Human Rights, 2008)
Special law modifying the Law of 6 January 1989 on the Constitutional Court (Belgium, April 4, 2014)
Representing what? Women, judges, and equality (2013) / Judith Resnik
Education: race, ethnicity, caste, class, and the creamy layer. Ashoka Kumar Thakur v. Union of India (Supreme Court of India, 2008)
From colorblindness to antibalkanization: an emerging ground of decision in race equality cases (2011) / Reva Siegel
Grutter v. Bollinger (Supreme Court of the United States, 2013)
The French ten percent plan. Act No. 2013-660 of 22 July 2013 on higher education and research (France, 2013)
The rise of indirect affirmative action: converging strategies for promoting "diversity" in selective institutions of higher education in the United States and France (2011) / Daniel Sabbagh
Reading A K Thakur vs. Union of India: legal effect and significance (2008) / Sudhir Krishnaswamy and Madhav Khosla
Continuing conflicts over positive action. Michigan Constitution, Art. 1 § 26
Schuette v.
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, integration and immigration on rights and fight for equality by any means necessary (BAMN) (Supreme Court of the United States, 2014)
V. Constitutional constraints on the power to punish. Limiting the authority to punish. The right to hope. Life imprisonment case (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, 1977)
Vinter and Other v. the United Kingdom (European Court of Human Rights, 2013)
Whole life sentences and the tide of European human rights jurisprudence: what is to be done? (2014) / Dirk van Zyl Smit, Pete Weatherby & Simon Creighton
R. v. Ian McLoughlin (United Kingdom Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, 2014)
The relevance of age, parenting, and culpability. Miller v. Alabama (Supreme Court of the United States, 2012)
R. v. D.B. (Supreme Court of Canada, 2008)
Prosecutor v. Plavšić (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 2003)
United States v. Angelos (United States District Court for the District of Utah, 2004)
S v. M (Constitutional Court of South Africa, 2007)
President of the Republic of South Africa and Another v. Hugo (Constitutional Court of South Africa, 1997)
Structuring sentencing decision-making and allocating the authority to sentence. Constraints on the kind, quality, and range of information to be considered. United States v. Watts (Supreme Court of the United States, 1997)
R v. Angelillo (Supreme Court of Canada, 2006)
Is sentencing a "judicial" or a "legislative" function? Kable v. Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) (Federal Court of Australia, 1996)
United States v. Mistretta (Supreme Court of the United States, 1989)
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"A part of the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women's Rights"
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"A part of the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women's Rights"
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