Airport competition regulation in Europe / Stamatis Varsamos.
Airport competition regulation in Europe / Stamatis Varsamos.
Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands : Kluwer Law International B.V., [2016]
1 online resource.
Aviation law and policy series ; 12.
Airport Competition Regulation in Europe' focuses on the issue of airport charges and its impact on airport competition in the EU, especially following the introduction of EU Directive 12/2009 on airport charges. Over the last thirty years, airports within the EU ? including nearly a hundred newly built or rebuilt during that time ? have undergone a major economic transformation. From mere infrastructure providers, airports have become diversified and complex commercial enterprises in competition with each other. This book is the first and only one thus far to deal with the legal issues surrounding this important development, focusing on the impact of EU Directive 12/2009 on airport charges.
Airport Competition Regulation in Europe' focuses on the issue of airport charges and its impact on airport competition in the EU, especially following the introduction of EU Directive 12/2009 on airport charges. Over the last thirty years, airports within the EU ? including nearly a hundred newly built or rebuilt during that time ? have undergone a major economic transformation. From mere infrastructure providers, airports have become diversified and complex commercial enterprises in competition with each other. This book is the first and only one thus far to deal with the legal issues surrounding this important development, focusing on the impact of EU Directive 12/2009 on airport charges.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 227-233) and index.
Source of Description
Print version record.
Available in Other Form
Print version: Varsamos, Stamatis. Airport competition regulation in Europe. Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands : Kluwer Law International B.V., [2016]
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Kluwer Competition Law.
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