Case management manual for United States bankruptcy judges / prepared under the direction of the Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System of the Judicial Conference of the United States, with assistance from staff of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts and the Federal Judicial Center.
KF1527 .C37 2012 (Mapit)
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Case management manual for United States bankruptcy judges / prepared under the direction of the Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System of the Judicial Conference of the United States, with assistance from staff of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts and the Federal Judicial Center.
Added Author
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Second edition.
[Washington, D.C.] : [Administrative Office of the United States Courts], 2012.
xliii, 930 pages ; 26 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Bankruptcy jurisdiction, venue, and related matters
Overview of case-management issues in particular chapters and proceedings
Adversary proceedings
Motions and contested matters not described as adversary proceedings
Time-sensitive matters
Employment and compensation of attorneys and other professionals
Special matters
Coordination and communication within, between, and beyond the courts
Duties and responsibilities of judges
List of exhibits.
Overview of case-management issues in particular chapters and proceedings
Adversary proceedings
Motions and contested matters not described as adversary proceedings
Time-sensitive matters
Employment and compensation of attorneys and other professionals
Special matters
Coordination and communication within, between, and beyond the courts
Duties and responsibilities of judges
List of exhibits.
"The Hon. David S. Kennedy (chief judge, Western District of Tennessee Bankruptcy) led the editorial team and Katherine B. Steuer, Esq., served as reporter"--Page xxxix.
Call Number
KF1527 .C37 2012
Record Appears in