Multinational sources compared : a subject and jurisdiction index / Alena L. Wolotira & Sherry L. Leysen.
K85 .W65 2017 (Mapit)
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Multinational sources compared : a subject and jurisdiction index / Alena L. Wolotira & Sherry L. Leysen.
Added Author
Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2017.
xl, 678 pages; 26 cm
Formatted Contents Note
List of subject headings
Topical index of subjects
List of jurisdictions
Index to multinational sources by subject.
List of subject headings
Topical index of subjects
List of jurisdictions
Index to multinational sources by subject.
"Multinational Sources Compared" is a finding aid designed to direct researchers to sources most likely to cover 280 legal subjects and particular jurisdictions, with a fairly comprehensive, but certainly not exhaustive, selected list of resources available to researchers in either print or electronic formats. To enhance the usefulness and function of this resource, the entries include data points such as jurisdictions covered. The authors used the resource itself or a publisher's description to understand and briefly summarize/describe topical and jurisdictional coverage. Jurisdictional coverage of multinational resources is ephemeral, especially with the updating that takes places on various databases. To help keep this resource current, a stand-alone, fully searchable database in HeinOnline accompanies this print work. This database will be regularly updated, allowing for the addition of new resources, for updated jurisdictions, and for adding or modifying subjects as the law progresses.--Publisher.
Based on two works by Jon S. Schultz: "Statutes compared: a U.S., Canadian, multinational research guide to statutes by subject" (2nd ed. 2001) and "Multinational statutes compared: a research guide to statutes" (2003)--Introduction, page ix.
Other Editions
Based on (work): Schultz, Jon S. Multinational statutes compared. Buffalo, N.Y. : W.S. Hein, 2003
Based on (work): Schultz, Jon S. Statutes compared. 2nd ed. Buffalo, N.Y. : W.S. Hein, 2001
Based on (work): Schultz, Jon S. Statutes compared. 2nd ed. Buffalo, N.Y. : W.S. Hein, 2001
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Call Number
K85 .W65 2017
Holding Record
9780837740089 (paperback : acid-free paper)
0837740088 (paperback : acid-free paper)
0837740088 (paperback : acid-free paper)
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