Summarium constitutionum seu bullarum summorum pontificum de electione papae : nec non Alexandri vij De bonis non alienandis et Innocentij xij. Moderationriae proponuntur etiam, et resoluuntur alique difficultates, et dubia civica electionem papae, et ad conclaue penitentia : manuscript.
Tolomei, Giovanni Battista, 1653-1726, author.; Imperiali, Giuseppe Renato, 1651-1737, former owner.; Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872, former owner.; North, Frederick, Earl of Guilford, 1766-1827, former owner.; Catholic Church. Pope (1655-1667 : Alexander VII). Inter ceteras animi solicitudines.; Catholic Church. Pope (1691-1700 : Innocent XII). Romanum decet Pontificem.; University of California, Berkeley. Manuscript. MS 212. Robbins Collection.
Robbins MS 212
Available at Robbins cage
Summarium constitutionum seu bullarum summorum pontificum de electione papae : nec non Alexandri vij De bonis non alienandis et Innocentij xij. Moderationriae proponuntur etiam, et resoluuntur alique difficultates, et dubia civica electionem papae, et ad conclaue penitentia : manuscript.
Added Author
Added Corporate Author
Rome, Italy, 1724-1793.
1 volume (106 leaves) : paper ; 27 x 20 cm bound to 29 x 21 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Summarium constitutionum apostolicarum siue bullarum summorum pontificum circa electionem pap̧e
Summarium constitutionum apostolicam siue bullarum summorum pontificum circa electionem pap̧e
Provisione prese [per] le liti che sono avanti giuridici e congli. [?] deputate, 1721
Risposta dell' Uditore della camera al fòglio trasmessoli della segretaria del conclaue sotto li 18 [aprile] 1721
1724 Sig. Gianni della missione, Benchè le celle che [tocano?] in sorte a cardinale non possano mutarsi sotto qualsiasi pretesto anche di infermità [?] quando vi sia motivo giusto, e che non possa dirsi [protesto?] si può andar da ùna ad un alta cella
De ingressu conclauis / Abbe. Arnaldi, 172i
Ex constitutione eterni patris Gregorij XV / Sig. Cardinal Tolomei, 1724.
Summarium constitutionum apostolicam siue bullarum summorum pontificum circa electionem pap̧e
Provisione prese [per] le liti che sono avanti giuridici e congli. [?] deputate, 1721
Risposta dell' Uditore della camera al fòglio trasmessoli della segretaria del conclaue sotto li 18 [aprile] 1721
1724 Sig. Gianni della missione, Benchè le celle che [tocano?] in sorte a cardinale non possano mutarsi sotto qualsiasi pretesto anche di infermità [?] quando vi sia motivo giusto, e che non possa dirsi [protesto?] si può andar da ùna ad un alta cella
De ingressu conclauis / Abbe. Arnaldi, 172i
Ex constitutione eterni patris Gregorij XV / Sig. Cardinal Tolomei, 1724.
This volume compiles summaries of papal bulls that deal with papal elections, from Nicholas II's 1059 bull establishing that cardinals would elect popes to Innocent XII's Romanum decet pontificum of 1693, dubia and discussions about the proper conduct of concalves, and Cardinal Tolomei on Gregory XV's bull, Aeterni patris of 1621. The caption for the first Summa constitutionum appears on fol. 14v in the midst of that chapter. A second, annotated copy of the first section of the Summarium appears between fol. 64 and 78. This manuscript was probably compiled within the household of Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali after the conclave of 1724. Cardinal Tolomei, to whom the manuscript ascribes the Ex constitutione eterni patris, was a contemporary of Imperiali and participated with him in the conclaves of 1721 and 1724. Abbé Arnaldi, named as the author of De ingressu conclavis, is listed among the retinue of Imperiali's legation in Voyages du P. Labat de l'ordre des FF. Prescheurs en Espagne et en Italie.
Ms. codex.
Title transcribed from title page.
Collation: Paper, fol. iii + 106 + i; 1² 2¹⁴⁽⁻¹⁾ 3⁶ 4⁸ 5⁶ 6¹⁶ 7-8² 9⁴ 10⁴⁽⁺¹⁾ 11⁴ 12⁸ 13⁶ 14⁴ 15-16² 17¹⁰ 18-19⁴ 20⁶. Leaves 1 - 49 are foliated in one hand; leaves 50-63 in another; and leaves 64-101 in a third. There is an unfoliated leaf between fol. 59 and 60, and two unfoliated leaves between fol. 76 and 77.
Origin: Written in Rome, sometime after 1724.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 212.
Title transcribed from title page.
Collation: Paper, fol. iii + 106 + i; 1² 2¹⁴⁽⁻¹⁾ 3⁶ 4⁸ 5⁶ 6¹⁶ 7-8² 9⁴ 10⁴⁽⁺¹⁾ 11⁴ 12⁸ 13⁶ 14⁴ 15-16² 17¹⁰ 18-19⁴ 20⁶. Leaves 1 - 49 are foliated in one hand; leaves 50-63 in another; and leaves 64-101 in a third. There is an unfoliated leaf between fol. 59 and 60, and two unfoliated leaves between fol. 76 and 77.
Origin: Written in Rome, sometime after 1724.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 212.
Language Note
In Italian and Latin.
Historical Data
Giuseppe Renato Imperiali, born near Francavilla in the kingdom of Naples in 1651, was educated in Rome at the Collegio Germanico-Ungarico. He entered religious orders and became a clerk and then treasurer of the Camera Apostolica. He was made a cardinal in 1690. Imperiali was sent as a legate to Bologna in the same year and again to King Carlos of Spain, then in Milan, in 1711. He participated in the papal conclaves of 1691, 1700, 1721, 1724, and 1730. He inherited, and subsequently expanded, a significant library from his uncle Cardinal Lorenzo Imperiali. This library was auctioned off in 1793.
Giovanni Battista Tolomei, born in the diocese of Pistoia in 1653, was educated in Florence and Pisa. He joined the Jesuits in 1673, and taught at the Jesuit schools at Ragusa and Gesù, Rome. He was ordained in 1684, served as procurator general (1687-1691) then as a professor in the Collegio Romana (1692-1707). In 1710, he became the rector of the Collegio Germanico. He was made a cardinal in 1712 and participated in the conclaves of 1721 and 1724. He also acted as an advisor to the pope in matters theological, particularly in the condemnation of Jansenism in 1713. He died in Rome in 1726.
Giovanni Battista Tolomei, born in the diocese of Pistoia in 1653, was educated in Florence and Pisa. He joined the Jesuits in 1673, and taught at the Jesuit schools at Ragusa and Gesù, Rome. He was ordained in 1684, served as procurator general (1687-1691) then as a professor in the Collegio Romana (1692-1707). In 1710, he became the rector of the Collegio Germanico. He was made a cardinal in 1712 and participated in the conclaves of 1721 and 1724. He also acted as an advisor to the pope in matters theological, particularly in the condemnation of Jansenism in 1713. He died in Rome in 1726.
Formerly in the collections of Frederick North, Earl of Guildford; Sir Thomas Phillipps (Phillipps MS 5329); and Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperialis. North's bookplate is affixed to the front pastedown. "L/21/A", "192/6", and "5239Ph" are inscribed in pencil on the bookplate. "58" is inscribed in ink on the upper right corner of the fly leaf. "Ex Bibl. Ios. Ren. Card. Imperialis" is stamped on the title page. A Phillipps label reading "5329" and a partially torn circle of paper inscribed "192/6" are affixed to the spine.
Binding Information
Bound in vellum over pasteboard.
RBCAG Robbins MS 212
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Call Number
Robbins MS 212
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