A genuine history of the lives and actions of the most notorious Irish highwaymen, Tories and rapparees, from Redmond O. Hanlon, the famous gentleman robber, to Cahier na Gappul, the great horsecatcher, who was executed at Maryborough, in August, 1735. To which are added, The Gold-finder; or, The History of Manus Maconiel, who under the appearance of a stupid, ignorant county fellow ... played the most notorious cheats and remarkable tricks on the people of Ireland that ever were known. Also, The Remarkable life of Gilder-Roy, a murderer, ravisher, incendiary and highwayman; with several other not in any former edition.
KDE540 .C6 1801 Tiny
A genuine history of the lives and actions of the most notorious Irish highwaymen, Tories and rapparees, from Redmond O. Hanlon, the famous gentleman robber, to Cahier na Gappul, the great horsecatcher, who was executed at Maryborough, in August, 1735. To which are added, The Gold-finder; or, The History of Manus Maconiel, who under the appearance of a stupid, ignorant county fellow ... played the most notorious cheats and remarkable tricks on the people of Ireland that ever were known. Also, The Remarkable life of Gilder-Roy, a murderer, ravisher, incendiary and highwayman; with several other not in any former edition.
10th ed., with additions.
Dublin : R. Cross, 1801.
180 pages ; 14 cm
Call Number
KDE540 .C6 1801 Tiny
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