Basic Brown : my life and our times / Willie Brown.
KF373.B76 A3 2008 (Mapit)
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Basic Brown : my life and our times / Willie Brown.
New York : Simon & Schuster, 2008.
xi, 350 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Willie Brown, who are you kidding?
Willie Brown is not kidding
Consensus and power
Sex scandals and the socializing politician
The power of clothes : don't pull a Dukakis
Black politics and racism today
Women in American politics today
Asking for money is part of the business
My solution to the campaign finance mess
Should one politician call the cops on another?
A black teenager arrives in San Francisco
Phil Burton, Herb Caen, Jesse Unruh and me
My own family life
Gay rights : how some historic legislation was really made
Starting on my rise to power
Stabbed in the back on the way up
The assassinations of George Moscone and Harvey Milk
Loyalty and betrayal on the way to the top
Elected speaker
Old-time money scams
"An offer like that could land us both in jail"
My money raising principles
Tricks the FBI played to try to get me
TGun control; Nelson Mandela's California allies; and saving kingdergartens
Sustaining speakership : most magnificent moment
The godfather and the father of the house
Why would you want to be mayor?
Running for mayor
Slick Willie : da mayor
A mayor is actually supposed to solve problems
The selfish : the killer dynamic of city politics
Traction and no traction : muni and homelessness
Restoring the city's crown jewel
A football stadium and a sado-masochistic birthday party
Schemers scorned
Sacred cartel
A mayor makes friends with warlords as well as with nice people
The scared days and an urban legend
The political life
What is a politician?
Willie Brown is not kidding
Consensus and power
Sex scandals and the socializing politician
The power of clothes : don't pull a Dukakis
Black politics and racism today
Women in American politics today
Asking for money is part of the business
My solution to the campaign finance mess
Should one politician call the cops on another?
A black teenager arrives in San Francisco
Phil Burton, Herb Caen, Jesse Unruh and me
My own family life
Gay rights : how some historic legislation was really made
Starting on my rise to power
Stabbed in the back on the way up
The assassinations of George Moscone and Harvey Milk
Loyalty and betrayal on the way to the top
Elected speaker
Old-time money scams
"An offer like that could land us both in jail"
My money raising principles
Tricks the FBI played to try to get me
TGun control; Nelson Mandela's California allies; and saving kingdergartens
Sustaining speakership : most magnificent moment
The godfather and the father of the house
Why would you want to be mayor?
Running for mayor
Slick Willie : da mayor
A mayor is actually supposed to solve problems
The selfish : the killer dynamic of city politics
Traction and no traction : muni and homelessness
Restoring the city's crown jewel
A football stadium and a sado-masochistic birthday party
Schemers scorned
Sacred cartel
A mayor makes friends with warlords as well as with nice people
The scared days and an urban legend
The political life
What is a politician?
Call Number
KF373.B76 A3 2008
074329081X rel
9780743290814 rel
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9780743290814 rel
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