Collection of reports, briefs, and related documents submitted to the Sacra Congregazione super Controversiis Jurisdictionalibus.
Robbins MS 184
Available at Robbins cage
Collection of reports, briefs, and related documents submitted to the Sacra Congregazione super Controversiis Jurisdictionalibus.
Added Author
Added Corporate Author
Italy, between 1626 and 1628.
120 leaves : paper ; 274 x 206 (223 x 157) mm bound to 297 x 218 mm
1 microfilm reel : negative (MN) and positive (Robbins MS 184)
1 microfilm reel : negative (MN) and positive (Robbins MS 184)
A collection of reports, briefs, and related documents, dated 1626-1628, submitted from dioceses all over Italy mostly to the Sacra Congregazione super Controversiis Jurisdictionalibus, although there are a few submitted to the Sacra Congregazione dell'Immunita' et Jurisdictione Ecclesiastica (e.g. fol. 42r-44v: "Per li diaconi selvaggi di Hostuni (i.e. Ostuni)." All of these documents bear the name "APD Merlino."
Ms. codex.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Collation: paper (similar but not identical to Briquet, Oiseau 12250) fol. vi + 106 + fol. iv (paper); gatherings irregular.
Layout: Written in long lines.
Script: Written in cursive script by various hands.
Binding: Limp vellum binding with leather fore edge ties (lacking). Title on spine: "Positiones S. Cong. IM ECC APD Merlin."
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, The Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 184.
Title supplied by cataloger.
Collation: paper (similar but not identical to Briquet, Oiseau 12250) fol. vi + 106 + fol. iv (paper); gatherings irregular.
Layout: Written in long lines.
Script: Written in cursive script by various hands.
Binding: Limp vellum binding with leather fore edge ties (lacking). Title on spine: "Positiones S. Cong. IM ECC APD Merlin."
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, The Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 184.
Language Note
Mostly Italian, some Latin.
Indexed In
Phillipps, T. Cat. ms., 6559.
Was once in the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps (his no. 7594); library stamp on fol. 1r: "Bibliot. H.F., 1710."
RBCAG Robbins MS 184
Access Note
RESTRICTED ORIGINAL. USE POSITIVE MICROFILM COPY ONLY: Use of original only by permission. Inquiries concerning this item should be directed, in writing, to the reference librarian for The Robbins Collection.
Call Number
Robbins MS 184
Record Appears in