The theory and practice of international criminal law : essays in honor of M. Cherif Bassiouni / edited by Leila Nadya Sadat, Michael P. Scharf.
K5000 .T48 2008 (Mapit)
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The theory and practice of international criminal law : essays in honor of M. Cherif Bassiouni / edited by Leila Nadya Sadat, Michael P. Scharf.
Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, [2008]
xxvii, 448 pages ; 24 cm
Formatted Contents Note
A hard look at the soft theory of international criminal law / Mark A. Drumbl
A modern perspective on international criminal law : accountability as a meta-right / Anja Matwijkiw and Bronik Matwijkiw
Depoliticizing individual criminal responsibility / Bartram S. Brown
Universal jurisdiction : a pragmatic strategy in pursuit of a moralist's vision / Diane F. Orentlicher
Acting out against terrorism, torture, and other atrocious crimes : contemplating morality, law, and history / Christopher L. Blakesley
Terrorizing the terrorists : an essay on the permissibility of torture / Christopher C. Joyner
Secret detentions, secret renditions, and forced disappearances during the Bush Administration's "War" on Terror / Jordan J. Paust
Cherif Bassiouni and the 780 commission : the gateway to the era of accountability / Michael P. Scharf
Sexual violence as genocide : the important role played by the Bassiouni Commission in the recent development of international criminal law / Brigitte Stern and Isabell Fouchard
The international criminal court and the transformation of international law / Leila Nadya Sadat
The international criminal court and the Congo : from theory to reality / Mahnoush H. Arsanjani and W. Michael Reisman
Crimes against humanity : the state plan or policy element / William A. Schabas
"The only thing left Is justice" Cherif Bassiouni, Saddam Hussein, and the quest for impartiality in international criminal law / Diane Marie Amann
Using international human rights law to better protect victims of trafficking : the prohibitions on slavery, servitude, forced labor, and debt bondage / Anne Gallagher
Cherif Bassiouni, the ICRC, and international humanitarian law / Yves Sandoz.
A modern perspective on international criminal law : accountability as a meta-right / Anja Matwijkiw and Bronik Matwijkiw
Depoliticizing individual criminal responsibility / Bartram S. Brown
Universal jurisdiction : a pragmatic strategy in pursuit of a moralist's vision / Diane F. Orentlicher
Acting out against terrorism, torture, and other atrocious crimes : contemplating morality, law, and history / Christopher L. Blakesley
Terrorizing the terrorists : an essay on the permissibility of torture / Christopher C. Joyner
Secret detentions, secret renditions, and forced disappearances during the Bush Administration's "War" on Terror / Jordan J. Paust
Cherif Bassiouni and the 780 commission : the gateway to the era of accountability / Michael P. Scharf
Sexual violence as genocide : the important role played by the Bassiouni Commission in the recent development of international criminal law / Brigitte Stern and Isabell Fouchard
The international criminal court and the transformation of international law / Leila Nadya Sadat
The international criminal court and the Congo : from theory to reality / Mahnoush H. Arsanjani and W. Michael Reisman
Crimes against humanity : the state plan or policy element / William A. Schabas
"The only thing left Is justice" Cherif Bassiouni, Saddam Hussein, and the quest for impartiality in international criminal law / Diane Marie Amann
Using international human rights law to better protect victims of trafficking : the prohibitions on slavery, servitude, forced labor, and debt bondage / Anne Gallagher
Cherif Bassiouni, the ICRC, and international humanitarian law / Yves Sandoz.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Call Number
K5000 .T48 2008
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