The genuine epistles of the Apostolical fathers, S. Barnabas, S. Ignatius, S. Clement, S. Polycarp, the shepherd of Hermas, and the martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp / written by those who were present at their sufferings ... ; translated and publish'd, with a large preliminary discourse relating to the several treatises here put together by W. Wake ..
Clement I, Pope. Epistola ad Corinthios I.; Clement I, Pope. Epistola ad Corinthios II.; Polycarp, Saint, Bishop of Smyrna. Epistola ad Philippenses.; Ignatius, Saint, Bishop of Antioch, -approximately 110. Epistolae.; Martyrdom of Ignatius.; Martyrdom of Polycarp.; Hermas, active 2nd century.; Wake, William, 1657-1737.
BR60 .A62 W3 1693
Available at Robbins Rare
Uniform Title
Apostolic Fathers.
Epistle of Barnabas. English.
Epistle of Barnabas. English.
The genuine epistles of the Apostolical fathers, S. Barnabas, S. Ignatius, S. Clement, S. Polycarp, the shepherd of Hermas, and the martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp / written by those who were present at their sufferings ... ; translated and publish'd, with a large preliminary discourse relating to the several treatises here put together by W. Wake ..
Added Author
Clement I, Pope. Epistola ad Corinthios I.
Clement I, Pope. Epistola ad Corinthios II.
Polycarp, Saint, Bishop of Smyrna. Epistola ad Philippenses.
Ignatius, Saint, Bishop of Antioch, -approximately 110. Epistolae.
Martyrdom of Ignatius.
Martyrdom of Polycarp.
Hermas, active 2nd century.
Wake, William, 1657-1737.
Clement I, Pope. Epistola ad Corinthios II.
Polycarp, Saint, Bishop of Smyrna. Epistola ad Philippenses.
Ignatius, Saint, Bishop of Antioch, -approximately 110. Epistolae.
Martyrdom of Ignatius.
Martyrdom of Polycarp.
Hermas, active 2nd century.
Wake, William, 1657-1737.
London : printed for Ric. Sare at Grays-Inn Gate next Holborn, 1693.
4 unnumbered pages, 196 pages, 8 unnumbered pages, 9-547 pages, 9 unnumbered pages ; 19 cm (8 vo)
Signatures A² -m⁸n⁶
Pt. 2 has separate t.p.: The genuine remains of the Apostolical fathers.
Pt. 2 has separate t.p.: The genuine remains of the Apostolical fathers.
Indexed In
Wing (2nd ed.), G523A.
Call Number
BR60 .A62 W3 1693
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