Progress report on standards of allocation of oil production within pools and among pools / by the Special study committee and Legal advisory committee on Well spacing and allocation of production of the Central committee on drilling and production practice, Division of production, American petroleum institute.
KF1860 .A94 (Mapit)
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Corporate Author
Progress report on standards of allocation of oil production within pools and among pools / by the Special study committee and Legal advisory committee on Well spacing and allocation of production of the Central committee on drilling and production practice, Division of production, American petroleum institute.
Dallas, Tex. : The Committee, 1942.
xiv, 98 pages ; 24 cm
The third progress report; the first two are: Essential engineering factors in the allocation of production, published in Drilling and production practice (1934) and Progress reports of American petroleum institute committees on well spacing, published in Section I, Proceedings of the eighth mid-year meeting of the American petroleum institute, Wichita, Kan. ... 1938. cf. Introd.
Bibliography, etc. Note
"Bibliography of legal phases of allocation of production, well spacing, and pooling of tracts": pages 75-76. "Bibliography of engineering phases of conservation": pages 77-92.
Call Number
KF1860 .A94
Record Appears in