Corporate Author
[Social security amendments of 1967]
Added Corporate Author
New York, [publisher not identified], [1967]
7 volumes in 1. ; 23 cm
Formatted Contents Note
[1] H.R. 5710, Social security amendments of 1967 as introduced February 20, 1967.
[2] Social security amendments of 1967; H.R. 12080 [as introduced August 3, 1967]
[3] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967: Report of the House Ways and Means Committee.
[4] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967: Senate Finance Committee Amendments to H.R. 12080, as announced by the chairman.
[5] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967: Report of the Senate Finance Committee.
[6] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967, as passed by the Senate.
[7] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967: Report of the Conferees filed December 11, 1967.
[2] Social security amendments of 1967; H.R. 12080 [as introduced August 3, 1967]
[3] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967: Report of the House Ways and Means Committee.
[4] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967: Senate Finance Committee Amendments to H.R. 12080, as announced by the chairman.
[5] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967: Report of the Senate Finance Committee.
[6] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967, as passed by the Senate.
[7] H.R. 12080, Social security amendments of 1967: Report of the Conferees filed December 11, 1967.
Binder's title.
Call Number
KF3644.55 .A15 1967
Record Appears in