Controversiae juris feudalis disputationibus XI. enucleatae / quas A.D.O.M. sub praesidio Johannis Niellii Vesalii J.c. in celeberrima Cattorum Academia Marpurgensi exercitij gratia defendendas susceperunt nobiles & eruditi aliquot juvenes ll. studiosissimi.
Niell, Johann, 1571-1597, praeses.; Prott, Johann von, 1573-1634, respondent.; Brecht, Werner, active 1594-1597, respondent.; Alber, Johannes Jakob, active 1592-1597, respondent.; Beckman, Johannes, active 1594-1597, respondent.; Vinkeldey, Johannes, active 1597-1597, respondent.; Schmalkalder, David, 1569-1636, respondent.; Keuchenius, Servatius, active 1594-1606, respondent.; Laurhase, Johannes, active 16th century, respondent.; Bestenbostel, Peter, 1572-1624, respondent.; Godschalck, Ernst, active 1594-1597, respondent.; Kerssenbruch, Gerlach von, active 1594-1597, respondent.; Egenolff, Paul, 1553-1625, printer.; Calvinus, Johannes, -1614, former owner.; Philipps-Universität Marburg.
KK280 .S57 1602
Available at Robbins Rare
Controversiae juris feudalis disputationibus XI. enucleatae / quas A.D.O.M. sub praesidio Johannis Niellii Vesalii J.c. in celeberrima Cattorum Academia Marpurgensi exercitij gratia defendendas susceperunt nobiles & eruditi aliquot juvenes ll. studiosissimi.
Added Author
Prott, Johann von, 1573-1634, respondent.
Brecht, Werner, active 1594-1597, respondent.
Alber, Johannes Jakob, active 1592-1597, respondent.
Beckman, Johannes, active 1594-1597, respondent.
Vinkeldey, Johannes, active 1597-1597, respondent.
Schmalkalder, David, 1569-1636, respondent.
Keuchenius, Servatius, active 1594-1606, respondent.
Laurhase, Johannes, active 16th century, respondent.
Bestenbostel, Peter, 1572-1624, respondent.
Godschalck, Ernst, active 1594-1597, respondent.
Kerssenbruch, Gerlach von, active 1594-1597, respondent.
Egenolff, Paul, 1553-1625, printer.
Calvinus, Johannes, -1614, former owner.
Brecht, Werner, active 1594-1597, respondent.
Alber, Johannes Jakob, active 1592-1597, respondent.
Beckman, Johannes, active 1594-1597, respondent.
Vinkeldey, Johannes, active 1597-1597, respondent.
Schmalkalder, David, 1569-1636, respondent.
Keuchenius, Servatius, active 1594-1606, respondent.
Laurhase, Johannes, active 16th century, respondent.
Bestenbostel, Peter, 1572-1624, respondent.
Godschalck, Ernst, active 1594-1597, respondent.
Kerssenbruch, Gerlach von, active 1594-1597, respondent.
Egenolff, Paul, 1553-1625, printer.
Calvinus, Johannes, -1614, former owner.
Added Corporate Author
Editio secunda / ab ipso auctore aucta.
Marpurgi Cattorum [Marburg] : Imprimebat Paulus Egenolphus, typogr. academicus, MDXCVII [1597]
[8], 183, [1] pages ; 21 cm (4to)
Formatted Contents Note
Disputatio I: de feudorum origine, authoritate, definitione & divisionibus / respondente Johann Prott Lemgoviensi VVestphalo
Disputatio II: de his qui feudum dare & accipere possunt / respondente VVernero Brechtio Vesaliensi
Desputatio III: de rebus quae in feudum dantur / respondente Johanne Jacobo Aulberto Stutgardiano VVirtembergico
Disputatio IV: de investitura feudi novi & eius pactis / respondente Johanne Beckman Bilfeldiensi
Disputatio V: de successione descendentium / respondente Johanne Vinkeldey Bilfeldiensi
Disputatio VI: de successione collateralium, testamentario, & hujus occasione de feudi alienatione / respondente Davide Smalkalder Marpurgensi
Disputatio VII: de fine & effectibus feudi acquisiti / respondente Servatio Keuchenio Juliacensi
Disputatio VIII: de feudi amissione / respondente Joanne Laurhassio Islebiensi Saxone
Disputatio IX: de actionibus feudi nomine competentibus / respondente Petro Bestenbostel Pomerano
Disputatio X: de judice & forma judicij feudalis / respondente Ernesto Godtschalco Pomerano
Disputatio XI: de regalibus / respondente Gerlacho à Kerseenbruch, VVestphalo.
Disputatio II: de his qui feudum dare & accipere possunt / respondente VVernero Brechtio Vesaliensi
Desputatio III: de rebus quae in feudum dantur / respondente Johanne Jacobo Aulberto Stutgardiano VVirtembergico
Disputatio IV: de investitura feudi novi & eius pactis / respondente Johanne Beckman Bilfeldiensi
Disputatio V: de successione descendentium / respondente Johanne Vinkeldey Bilfeldiensi
Disputatio VI: de successione collateralium, testamentario, & hujus occasione de feudi alienatione / respondente Davide Smalkalder Marpurgensi
Disputatio VII: de fine & effectibus feudi acquisiti / respondente Servatio Keuchenio Juliacensi
Disputatio VIII: de feudi amissione / respondente Joanne Laurhassio Islebiensi Saxone
Disputatio IX: de actionibus feudi nomine competentibus / respondente Petro Bestenbostel Pomerano
Disputatio X: de judice & forma judicij feudalis / respondente Ernesto Godtschalco Pomerano
Disputatio XI: de regalibus / respondente Gerlacho à Kerseenbruch, VVestphalo.
Printer's device on title page; headpieces; initials.
Signatures:):(⁴ A-Z⁴.
"MD" in date in apostrophic characters.
Respondents: Johann von Prott, Wernerus Brechtius, Johannes Jacobus Aulberus, Johannes Beckman, Johannes Vinkeldey, David Smalkalder, Servatius Keuchenius, Johannes Laurhase, Petrus Bestenbostel, Ernst Godschalck, and Gerlach von Kerssenbruch..
Signatures:):(⁴ A-Z⁴.
"MD" in date in apostrophic characters.
Respondents: Johann von Prott, Wernerus Brechtius, Johannes Jacobus Aulberus, Johannes Beckman, Johannes Vinkeldey, David Smalkalder, Servatius Keuchenius, Johannes Laurhase, Petrus Bestenbostel, Ernst Godschalck, and Gerlach von Kerssenbruch..
With Notes
Bound with (copy 1): Sixtinus, Regnerus. Tractatus duo, prior De regalibus, D. Regneri Sixtini. Mulhusij Tyrigetarum : Apud M. Spiessium, impensis I. Spissij, & haeredum Romani Beati, 1602.
Indexed In
Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), VD16 N 1700
Provenance (copy 1): Iohan. Caluinus profess. Heidelb. (inscription).
Binding Information
Copy 2: Disbound; sewing entact, but covers and spine missing.
Place of Publication or Printing
Germany -- Marburg.
Call Number
KK280 .S57 1602
Record Appears in