Barton's federal tax laws correlated : the federal income, estate, gift tax laws, from the Revenue Act of 1913 to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended / by Walter E. Barton and Carroll W. Browning.
KF6335 .A3 1968 (Mapit)
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Barton's federal tax laws correlated : the federal income, estate, gift tax laws, from the Revenue Act of 1913 to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended / by Walter E. Barton and Carroll W. Browning.
[Reprint ed.]
Branford, Conn. : Federal Tax Press, [1925, [1968]
6 volumes ; 27-30 cm
Vols. 1-5 are reprints of the 2d ed., covering 1913-1925, the 8th ed., covering 1926-1938, published 1925 and 1938, respectively, under title: Federal income and estate tax laws: and of the 9th ed., covering 1939-1943, the 10th ed., covering 1944-1949, and the 11th ed., covering 1950-1959, published 1944, 1950 and 1953, respectively, under title: Federal income, estate, and gift tax laws. Vol. 6, 1954 code covering 1954-1968, by G. Goldstein, published in loose-leaf form without a reprint of the Internal revenue code of 1954.
First ed. published in 1922 under title: Federal income tax laws correlated and annotated.
First ed. published in 1922 under title: Federal income tax laws correlated and annotated.
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Alternate Title
Federal income, estate, and gift tax laws correlated and annotated.
Federal tax laws correlated.
Federal tax laws correlated.
Call Number
KF6335 .A3 1968
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