Admiralty decisions in the District Court of the United States for Pennsylvania District, by the Hon. Richard Peters, comprising also some decisions in the same court, by the late Francis Hopkinson, Esq. to which are added cases determined in other districts of the United States. With an Appendix, containing - The laws of Oleron, The laws of Wisbuy., The laws of the Hanse Towns, The Marine ordinances of Louis XIV., A treatise on the rights and duties of owners, freighters. and master of ships and of mariners: and the laws of the United States relative to mariners.
KF1100 .U5 1807 (Mapit)
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Admiralty decisions in the District Court of the United States for Pennsylvania District, by the Hon. Richard Peters, comprising also some decisions in the same court, by the late Francis Hopkinson, Esq. to which are added cases determined in other districts of the United States. With an Appendix, containing - The laws of Oleron, The laws of Wisbuy., The laws of the Hanse Towns, The Marine ordinances of Louis XIV., A treatise on the rights and duties of owners, freighters. and master of ships and of mariners: and the laws of the United States relative to mariners.
Philadelphia : Published by Patrick Byrne, 1807.
2 volumes ; 23 cm
Binder's title: Admiralty decisions.
Period covered: 1780-1807.
Period covered: 1780-1807.
Call Number
KF1100 .U5 1807
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