The office and dutie of execvtors, or a treatise of wils and executors, directed to testators in the choise of their executors and contrivance of their wills. With direction for executors in the execution of their office, according to the law, and for creditors in the recovery of their debts. Expressing the duty, right, interest, power and authority of executors, and how they may behave themselves in the office of executorship. With divers other particulars very usefull, profitable, and behoverfull for all persons, be they either executors, creditors or debtors. Compiled out of the body of the common-law, with mention of such statutes as are incident herunto.
KD1528 .W4
Available at Robbins Rare
The office and dutie of execvtors, or a treatise of wils and executors, directed to testators in the choise of their executors and contrivance of their wills. With direction for executors in the execution of their office, according to the law, and for creditors in the recovery of their debts. Expressing the duty, right, interest, power and authority of executors, and how they may behave themselves in the office of executorship. With divers other particulars very usefull, profitable, and behoverfull for all persons, be they either executors, creditors or debtors. Compiled out of the body of the common-law, with mention of such statutes as are incident herunto.
London : Printed by T.C. for Andrew Crooke, Laurence Chapman, William Cooke, and Richard Best, 1641.
10 pages leaves, 158 pages, 150 pages ; 19 cm
Call Number
KD1528 .W4
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