A briefe treatise of testaments and last willes, very profitable to be vnderstoode of all subiects of this realme of England, (desirous to know, whether, whereof, and how, they may make their testaments; and by what meanes the same may be effected or hindered,) and no lesse delightfull, as well for the rarenes of the worke, as for the easiness of the stile, and method: compiled of such lawes ecclesiasticall an ciuill, as be not repugnant to the lawes, customes, or statutes of this realme, nor derogatorie to the prerogative royall. In which treatise also are inserted diuers statutes of this land, together with mention of sundrie customes, as well general as particular, not impertinent thereunto: besides diuers marginall notes, and quotations not to be neglected, especially of Iustinianists, or young students of the ciuil law: with two tables, the one analytical, describing the generall order of the whole treatise: the other alphabeticall, disclosing th...
KD1509 .S9
Available at Robbins Rare
A briefe treatise of testaments and last willes, very profitable to be vnderstoode of all subiects of this realme of England, (desirous to know, whether, whereof, and how, they may make their testaments; and by what meanes the same may be effected or hindered,) and no lesse delightfull, as well for the rarenes of the worke, as for the easiness of the stile, and method: compiled of such lawes ecclesiasticall an ciuill, as be not repugnant to the lawes, customes, or statutes of this realme, nor derogatorie to the prerogative royall. In which treatise also are inserted diuers statutes of this land, together with mention of sundrie customes, as well general as particular, not impertinent thereunto: besides diuers marginall notes, and quotations not to be neglected, especially of Iustinianists, or young students of the ciuil law: with two tables, the one analytical, describing the generall order of the whole treatise: the other alphabeticall, disclosing th...
London : Printed by Iohn Windet, 1590.
13 pages leaves, 3-293 numbered leaves, 26 unnumbered pages ; 20 cm
Call Number
KD1509 .S9
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