Consuetudo, vel, Lex Mercatoria; or, the ancient law-merchant. In three parts, according to the essentials of traffick. Necessary for statesmen, judges, magistrates, temporal and civil lawyers, mint-men, merchants, mariners, and all others negotiating in any part of the world. / By Gerard Malynes, Merchant. Whereunto are annexed the following tracts, viz. I. The collection of sea laws. II. Advice concerning bills of exchange. By John Marius... III. The merchants mirrour; or, directions for the perfect ordering or keeping of his accompts. By way of debtor and creditor, after the Italian manner. By R. Dafforne... IV. An introduction to merchants accompts. By John Colins... V. The accountants closet, being an abridgement of merchants accounts, kept by debtor and creditor. By Abraham Liset. The 3d ed., wherein are inserted the three tracts following, never before printed in any former impression. I. The jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England asserted. By...
KD1629 .M32 1686 Folio
Available at Robbins Rare
Consuetudo, vel, Lex Mercatoria; or, the ancient law-merchant. In three parts, according to the essentials of traffick. Necessary for statesmen, judges, magistrates, temporal and civil lawyers, mint-men, merchants, mariners, and all others negotiating in any part of the world. / By Gerard Malynes, Merchant. Whereunto are annexed the following tracts, viz. I. The collection of sea laws. II. Advice concerning bills of exchange. By John Marius... III. The merchants mirrour; or, directions for the perfect ordering or keeping of his accompts. By way of debtor and creditor, after the Italian manner. By R. Dafforne... IV. An introduction to merchants accompts. By John Colins... V. The accountants closet, being an abridgement of merchants accounts, kept by debtor and creditor. By Abraham Liset. The 3d ed., wherein are inserted the three tracts following, never before printed in any former impression. I. The jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England asserted. By...
London : Printed for T. Basset, [etc.], 1686.
14 unnumbered pages, 340 pages, 43-78 pages, 8 unnumbered pages, 87-130 pages, 28 pages, 22 pages, 6 unnumbered pages, 42 pages, 20 unnumbered pages, 54 pages, 12 unnumbered pages, 19 pages, 12 unnumbered pages, 13 pages, 382 unnumbered pages, 14-36 pages, 4 unnumbered pages ; 35 cm
Alternate Title
Lex mercatoria.
The ancient law-merchant.
Lex mercatoria.
The ancient law-merchant.
Call Number
KD1629 .M32 1686 Folio
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