A Treatise and Discovrse of the Lawes of the Forrest: Wherein is declared not onely those Lawes, as they are now in force, but also the originall and beginning of Forrestes: And what a Forrest is in his owne proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a Chase, a Park or a Warren, with all thinges as are incident or belonging thereunto, with their seuerall proper Tearmes of art: as more at large doth appeare in the Table in the beginning of this Booke. Also a Treatise of the Purallee, declaring of this Booke. Also a Treatise of the Purallee, declaring of this Booke. Also a Treatise of the Purallee, declaring what Purallee is, how the same first began, what a Purallee man may doe, how he may hunt and vse his owne Purallee, how far he may pursue and follow after his chase, together with the lymits and bundes, aswell of the Forest, as the Puralley. Collected and gathered together, aswell out of the Common Lawes and STatutes of this land, As also ...
KD2280 .M3
Available at Robbins Rare
A Treatise and Discovrse of the Lawes of the Forrest: Wherein is declared not onely those Lawes, as they are now in force, but also the originall and beginning of Forrestes: And what a Forrest is in his owne proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a Chase, a Park or a Warren, with all thinges as are incident or belonging thereunto, with their seuerall proper Tearmes of art: as more at large doth appeare in the Table in the beginning of this Booke. Also a Treatise of the Purallee, declaring of this Booke. Also a Treatise of the Purallee, declaring of this Booke. Also a Treatise of the Purallee, declaring what Purallee is, how the same first began, what a Purallee man may doe, how he may hunt and vse his owne Purallee, how far he may pursue and follow after his chase, together with the lymits and bundes, aswell of the Forest, as the Puralley. Collected and gathered together, aswell out of the Common Lawes and STatutes of this land, As also ...
At London : Printed by Thomas Wight and Bontham Norton., 1598. Cum Priuilegio.
8 pages leaves, 167 numbered leaves, 12 unnumbered pages ; 19 cm
Leaves 155-158 incorrectly numbered 162-165.
Title within ornamental border; initials.
Title within ornamental border; initials.
Call Number
KD2280 .M3
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